Why Does Short Term Memory Decline As We Get Older?


Most people suffer a decline in short term memory as they become older. It is common for instance for an elderly person to tell a friend or relative the same thing multiple times over a period of hours or days because they don’t remember they have already done so. Aging or impaired brains can once again form lasting memories if an enzyme that applies the brakes too hard on a key gene is lifted, according to University of California, Irvine neurobiologists.

“What we’ve discovered is that if we free up that DNA again, now the aging brain can form long-term memories normally,” said senior author Marcelo Wood, UCI’s Francisco J. Ayala Chair in Neurobiology & Behavior, who will present the findings at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual meeting, in Austin, Texas. “In order to form a long-term memory, you have to turn specific genes on. In most young brains, that happens easily, but as we get older and our brain gets older, we have trouble with that.”

That’s because the 6 feet of DNA spooled tightly into every cell in our bodies has a harder time releasing itself as needed, he explained. Like many body parts, “it’s no longer as flexible as it used to be.” The stiffness in this case is due to a molecular brake pad called histone deacetylase 3, or HDAC3, that has become “overeager” in the aged brain and is compacting the material too hard, blocking the release of a gene called Period1. Removing HDAC3 restores flexibility and allows internal cell machinery to access Period1 to begin forming new memories.

Researchers had previously theorized that the loss of transcription and encoding functions in older brains was due to deteriorating core circadian clocks. But Wood and his team, notably postdoctoral fellow Janine Kwapis, found that the ability to create lasting memories was linked to a different process the overly aggressive enzyme blocking the release of Period1 in the same hippocampus region of the brain.

That’s potentially good news for developing treatments. “New drugs targeting HDAC3 could provide an exciting avenue to allow older people to improve memory formation,” Wood said.

Foods That Make You Smarter

Monosaturared Fatty Acid Foods

A study conducted at the University of Illinois has revealed that monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) which are a class of nutrients found in nuts, avocados and olive oils are linked to general intelligence. Additionally they discovered that this relationship is driven by the correlation of MUFAs and the organization of the brain’s attention network. Researchers know that nutrition is linked to cognitive performance, however they had not previously pinpointed what underlies the connection.

The study published in the Nuerolmage Journal, involved 99 healthy older adults. It compared the patterns of fatty acid nutrients found in blood samples, functional MRI data which measured the efficiency of the brain networks and the results of a general intelligence test. The goal was to better understand how nutrition could be used to support cognitive performance and to study ways in which nutrition might also influence functional organization of the brain.

The researchers studied the relationship between groups of fatty acids and brain networks which underlie general intelligence. The goal was to understand whether the brain network organization mediated the relationship between general intelligence and fatty acids. Researchers were inspired by previous studies suggesting cognitive benefits of the Mediterranean diet which is naturally rich in MUFAs. Nutrients in the participants blood were examined and researchers found that the fatty acids clustered into saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids. Rather than focusing on single nutrients, the researchers wanted to focus on broader dietary patterns.

The study revealed that general intelligence was associated with the brains dorsal attention network which plays a key role in everyday problem solving and attention-demanding tasks. The scientists found that general intelligence was associated with how efficiently the dorsal attention network is functionally organized using a measure called small-world propensity which describes how efficiently the neural network is connected within locally clustered regions as well as across globally integrated systems.

What they found was participants with higher levels of MUFAs in their blood had greater small-world propensity in their dorsal attention network. Taken together with an observed correlation between higher levels of MUFAs and greater general intelligence the findings suggest a pathway by which MUFAs affect cognition. The findings provide novel evidence that MUFAs are related to the dorsal attention network and how optimal this network is functionally organized. The results suggest that the dorsal attention network must be taken into consideration when understanding the relationship between MUFAs and general intelligence. It is part of the underlying mechanism that contributes to the relationship.

The hope is these findings will guide additional research into how nutrition affects intelligence and cognition. Further studies would involve an interventional study over time to see whether long-term MUFA intake influences brain network intelligence and organization. The evidence can certainly motivate promising new directions for future research in nutritional cognitive neuroscience.

Reference: Marta K. Zamroziewicz, M. Tanveer Talukdar, Chris E. Zwilling, Aron K. Barbey. Nutritional status, brain network organization, and general intelligence. NeuroImage, 2017; 161: 241 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.08.043

Fast Food Continues to Harm Immune System Long After It’s Eaten

Fast FoodA recent study by a team at the Institute for Innate Immunity of the University of Bonn has discovered even more negative consequences as the result of a diet of fast food. Unhealthy food with a diet high in unhealthy fat and calories makes the body?s immune defenses aggressive even after switching to a healthy diet. The immune system reacts to this type of diet in a similar manner as it does to a bacterial infection. All of which leads to disease and other negative health ramifications.

The scientists put mice on a ?Western? Diet for one month. The diet was high in fat, high in sugar and low in fiber. The mice developed a strong inflammatory response throughout the body similar to symptoms with an infection with dangerous bacteria. The unhealthy diet resulted in an unexpected increase in the number of immune cells in the blood of the mice especially monocytes and granulocytes which help fight off bacteria, viruses and fungi. This indicated the involvement of immune cell progenitors in the bone marrow. To further understand these findings, bone marrow progenitors for major immune cell types were isolated from the mice fed a Western Diet and mice fed a healthy controlled diet. Genomic studies indicated the mice receiving the Western Diet did activate a large number of genes in the progenitor cells, genes responsible for proliferation and maturation. Findings indicate that fast food causes the body to very quickly recruit a powerful and huge army. When the mice were put back on their typical diet of cereal for another four weeks, the acute inflammation disappeared. However, what did not disappear was the genetic reprogramming of the immune cells and their precursors. Even after this length of time, the genes that had been turned on during the fast food diet were still active.

Only recently has it been discovered that the innate immune system has a form of memory. Following an infection, the body?s defenses remain in an alert state called ?innate immune training?. This allows the body?s defenses to respond more quickly to a new attack. In the mice, this process was triggered by an unhealthy diet rather than bacterium.

The scientists then examined the blood cells from 120 subjects. They identified the responsible ?fast food sensor? in immune cells. In some of the subjects, the innate immune system showed a strong training effect with researchers discovering genetic evidence of the involvement of a so-called inflammasomes. Inflammasomes are key intracellular signaling complexes which recognize infectious agents and other harmful substances which subsequently release highly inflammatory messages. In addition to the inflammatory response, this also has long-term consequences for the immune system?s responses. The Western diet changes the way in which genetic information is packaged.

This genetic material is stored in the DNA with each cell containing several DNA strands. They are typically wrapped around certain proteins in the nucleus and therefore many genes in the DNA cannot be read as they are too inaccessible. An unhealthy diet causes some of the normally hidden pieces of DNA to unwind and this area of the genetic material can be read much easier as long as the temporary unwrapping remains active. The inflammasomes trigger epigenetic changes and the immune system consequently reacts to even small stimuli with stronger inflammatory responses. This inflammatory response then accelerates the development of a variety of diseases and contributes to the growth of lipids and immune cells which will migrate to altered vessel walls which may result in serious health consequences.

These findings have important societal relevance. In recent centuries the average life expectancy has steadily increased in Western countries. That trend is currently being broken for the first time with individuals born today living an average shorter life than their parents. Too little exercise and unhealthy diets play a decisive role. The researchers strongly emphasize a healthy diet as the foundation for developing early habits that can affect long-term health.

Journal Reference: Anette Christ, Patrick G?nther, Mario A.R. Lauterbach, Peter Duewell, Debjani Biswas, Karin Pelka, Claus J. Scholz, Marije Oosting, Kristian Haendler, Kevin Ba?ler, Kathrin Klee, Jonas Schulte-Schrepping, Thomas Ulas, Simone J.C.F.M. Moorlag, Vinod Kumar, Min Hi Park, Leo A.B. Joosten, Laszlo A. Groh, Niels P. Riksen, Terje Espevik, Andreas Schlitzer, Yang Li, Michael L. Fitzgerald, Mihai G. Netea, Joachim L. Schultze, Eicke Latz. Western Diet Triggers NLRP3-Dependent Innate Immune Reprogramming. Cell, 2018; 172 (1-2): 162 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.12.013

How Stress Harms Mitochondria


New research has shown evidence and interactions between psychological and physical health effects that involve mitochondria according to experimental studies conducted by Martin Picard of Columbia University and Bruce S. McEwen of The Rockefeller University. Mitochondria are specialized cellular structures with their own DNA and are found in nearly every type of cell in the body. Sometimes referred to as cellular ?powerhouses?, they generate signals and energy required for life. When they are not working correctly, they can cause severe diseases affecting many of the different body systems.

A total of 23 experimental studies on animals conducted by researchers around the world points to mitochondria as a potential intersection between psychosocial experiences and biological stress responses. Researchers have found that acute and chronic stress influenced specific aspects of mitochondrial function, especially in the brain. A wide range of factors including genes, diet and behavior may also influence mitochondrial vulnerability to stress. The Doctors have also outlined a conceptual framework by which mitochondria may convert the effects of psychological stress on to physical health. Evidence indicates that mitochondria sense, integrate and signal information about the environment and includes stress induced mediators which cause functional and structural recalibration of the mitochondria.

Describing the functional and structural changes that mitochondria undergo as response to chronic stress, the Doctors introduced the concept of MAL (Mitochondrial Allostatic Load). These changes may lead to widespread health effects such as increased inflammation leading to a higher risk of disease and damage to cellular DNA leading to accelerated aging. It appears that mitochondria is involved in regulating the body?s stress reactivity systems including controlling immunity, inflammation and the brain. Damage to mitochondrial DNA has been associated with a biological aging clock. Recent studies have shown that mitochondria affect the rate of aging in mammals, however it is not clear whether this is the case in humans.

Emerging evidence on the role of mitochondria and translating the effects of stress on physical health extend the reach of mind-body research into the cellular/molecular domain. The findings are particularly exciting for psychosomatic medicine with its focus on reintegrating the mind and body. The findings also represent the core foundation of current biomedical training and practice. The doctors emphasize that more research is needed to test various elements of their model in humans and to further consider the dynamic bi-directional interactions between important physiological systems and mitochondria.

Journal References:

1. Martin Picard, Bruce S. McEwen. Psychological Stress and Mitochondria: A Systematic Review. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2018; 80 (2): 141 DOI: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000545

2. Martin Picard, Bruce S. McEwen. Psychological Stress and Mitochondria: A Conceptual Framework. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2018; 80 (2): 126 DOI: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000000544


Objective Mitochondria are multifunctional life-sustaining organelles that represent a potential intersection point between psychosocial experiences and biological stress responses. This article provides a systematic review of the effects of psychological stress on mitochondrial structure and function.

Methods: A systematic review of the literature investigating the effects of psychological stress on mitochondrial function was conducted. The review focused on experimentally controlled studies allowing us to draw causal inference about the effect of induced psychological stress on mitochondria.

Results: A total of 23 studies met the inclusion criteria. All studies involved male laboratory animals, and most demonstrated that acute and chronic stressors influenced specific facets of mitochondrial function, particularly within the brain. Nineteen studies showed significant adverse effects of psychological stress on mitochondria and four found increases in function or size after stress. In humans, only six observational studies were available, none with experimental designs, and most only measured biological markers that do not directly reflect mitochondrial function, such as mitochondrial DNA copy number.

Conclusons: Overall, evidence supports the notion that acute and chronic stressors influence various aspects of mitochondrial biology, and that chronic stress exposure can lead to molecular and functional recalibrations among mitochondria. Limitations of current animal and human studies are discussed. Maladaptive mitochondrial changes that characterize this subcellular state of stress are termed mitochondrial allostatic load. Prospective studies with sensitive measures of specific mitochondrial outcomes will be needed to establish the link between psychosocial stressors, emotional states, the resulting neuroendocrine and immune processes, and mitochondrial energetics relevant to mind-body research in humans.

Dim Light May Shrink Your Brain

Dim Light

Spending too much time in dimly lit rooms and offices may actually change the brain’s structure and hurt one’s ability to remember and learn, indicates groundbreaking research by Michigan State University neuroscientists.

The researchers studied the brains of Nile grass rats (which, like humans, are diurnal and sleep at night) after exposing them to dim and bright light for four weeks. The rodents exposed to dim light lost about 30 percent of capacity in the hippocampus, a critical brain region for learning and memory, and performed poorly on a spatial task they had trained on previously.

The rats exposed to bright light, on the other hand, showed significant improvement on the spatial task. Further, when the rodents that had been exposed to dim light were then exposed to bright light for four weeks (after a month-long break), their brain capacity and performance on the task recovered fully.

The study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, is the first to show that changes in environmental light, in a range normally experienced by humans, leads to structural changes in the brain. Americans, on average, spend about 90 percent of their time indoors, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

“When we exposed the rats to dim light, mimicking the cloudy days of Midwestern winters or typical indoor lighting, the animals showed impairments in spatial learning,” said Antonio “Tony” Nunez, psychology professor and co-investigator on the study. “This is similar to when people can’t find their way back to their cars in a busy parking lot after spending a few hours in a shopping mall or movie theater.”

Nunez collaborated with Lily Yan, associate professor of psychology and principal investigator on the project, and Joel Soler, a doctoral graduate student in psychology. Soler is also lead author of a paper on the findings published in the journal Hippocampus.

Soler said sustained exposure to dim light led to significant reductions in a substance called brain derived neurotrophic factor a peptide that helps maintain healthy connections and neurons in the hippocampus and in dendritic spines, or the connections that allow neurons to “talk” to one another.

“Since there are fewer connections being made, this results in diminished learning and memory performance that is dependent upon the hippocampus,” Soler said. “In other words, dim lights are producing dimwits.”

Interestingly, light does not directly affect the hippocampus, meaning it acts first other sites within the brain after passing through the eyes. Yan said the research team is investigating one potential site in the rodents’ brains a group of neurons in the hypothalamus that produce a peptide called orexin that’s known to influence a variety of brain functions. One of their major research questions: If orexin is given to the rats that are exposed to dim light, will their brains recover without being re-exposed to bright light?

The project could have implications for the elderly and people with glaucoma, retinal degeneration or cognitive impairments.

“For people with eye disease who don’t receive much light, can we directly manipulate this group of neurons in the brain, bypassing the eye, and provide them with the same benefits of bright light exposure?” Yan said. “Another possibility is improving the cognitive function in the aging population and those with neurological disorders. Can we help them recover from the impairment or prevent further decline?”

Reference: Joel E. Soler, Alfred J. Robison, Antonio A. N??ez, Lily Yan. Light modulates hippocampal function and spatial learning in a diurnal rodent species: A study using male nile grass rat (Arvicanthis niloticus). Hippocampus, 2017; DOI: 10.1002/hipo.22822

Stem Cells and Accelerated Healing

Adult Stem Cells

New research by a team at the University of South Carolina has discovered a way to increase the body?s ability to heal after injury. The study led by Assistant Professor of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, has proved that adult stem cells will enter an alert state when the body sustains an injury. These ?alerted? stem cells have a greater ability to repair and heal damaged tissues.

It is theorized that after an injury a person?s blood can produce a state of alert. Using lab mice, the researchers injected healthy mice with blood from their injured counterparts. The stem cells in the healthy mice went into a state of alert. The team then identified the enzyme Hepatocyte Growth Factor Activator (HGFA), as the chemical mechanism that signaled cells to an alert state. HGFA is always in the bloodstream but only activates when the body experiences an injury. The enzyme signals adult stem cells to enter this state of alert once an injury occurs.

The team then decided to see what would happen if an injury occurred while the adult stem cells were already in a state of alert. Healthy mice were injected with HGFA. A few days later the mice were given muscle and skin injuries. The test mice were observed to heal faster, regrow missing fur and after just nine days returned to running on exercise wheels sooner. Twenty days after the injuries, the mice that had been injected with HGFA had regenerated larger muscle fibers compared to the untreated mice.

The findings support the idea that the presence of HGFA in the bloodstream prepares the body to respond faster and more efficiently to an injury. The response was similar to how vaccines prepare the body to fight specific diseases. HGFA prepares the cells to respond to tissue damage. By ?priming? the body, you can speed the process of tissue repair and recovery.

It is hoped that in the future people may be able to use HGFA prior to engaging in activities that might result in injury including sports, surgery and even combat. HGFA may also be able to be used therapeutically for people with compromised healing abilities. And this therapeutic approach may also be of value for the elderly. As we age, the body?s ability to heal itself slows down as stem cell activity diminishes with advancing age. The team posed the concept that it might be possible to restore youthful healing by activating the HGFA pathway!

Reference: Joseph T. Rodgers, Matthew D. Schroeder, Chanthia Ma, Thomas A. Rando. HGFA Is an Injury-Regulated Systemic Factor that Induces the Transition of Stem Cells into GAlert. Cell Reports, April 2017 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.03.066

Skin Cells Produced with Gene Activation

Stem Cell Gene Activation

In a scientific first, researchers at the Gladstone Institutes turned skin cells from mice into stem cells by activating a specific gene in the cells using CRISPR technology. The innovative approach offers a potentially simpler technique to produce the valuable cell type and provides important insights into the cellular reprogramming process.

“This is a new way to make induced pluripotent stem cells that is fundamentally different from how they’ve been created before,” said author Sheng Ding, PhD, a senior investigator at Gladstone. “At the beginning of the study, we didn’t think this would work, but we wanted to at least try to answer the question: can you reprogram a cell just by unlocking a specific location of the genome? And the answer is yes.”

Pluripotent stem cells can be turned into virtually any cell type in the body. As a result, they are a key therapeutic resource for currently incurable conditions, such as heart failure, Parkinson’s disease, and blindness. They also provide excellent models to study diseases and important tools to test new drugs in human cells.

In 2006, Gladstone Senior Investigator Shinya Yamanaka, MD, PhD, discovered he could make stem cells — dubbed induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) — by treating ordinary skin cells with four key proteins. These proteins, called transcription factors, work by changing which genes are expressed in the cell, turning off genes associated with skin cells and turning on genes associated with stem cells.

Building on this work, Ding and others previously created iPSCs not with transcription factors, but by adding a cocktail of chemicals to the cells. The latest study, published in Cell Stem Cell, offers a third way to turn skin cells into stem cells by directly manipulating the cells’ genome using CRISPR gene regulation techniques.

“Having different options to make iPSCs will be useful when scientists encounter challenges or difficulties with one approach,” said Ding, who is also a professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco. “Our approach could lead to a simpler method of creating iPSCs or could be used to directly reprogram skin cells into other cell types, such as heart cells or brain cells.”

CRISPR is a powerful tool that can precisely manipulate the genome by targeting a unique sequence of DNA. That sequence of DNA is then either permanently deleted or replaced, or it is temporarily turned on or off.

Ding’s team targeted two genes that are only expressed in stem cells and known to be integral to pluripotency: Sox2 and Oct4. Like transcription factors, these genes turn on other stem cell genes and turn off those associated with different cell types.

The researchers discovered that with CRISPR, they could activate either Sox2 or Oct4 to reprogram cells. In fact, they showed that targeting a single location on the genome was enough to trigger the natural chain reaction that led to reprogramming the cell into an iPSC.

For comparison, four transcription factors are typically used to create iPSCs using the original method. What’s more, one transcription factor typically targets thousands of genomic locations in the cell and changes gene expression at each location.

“The fact that modulating one site is sufficient is very surprising,” said Ding. “Now, we want to understand how this whole process spreads from a single location to the entire genome.”

Reference: Peng Liu, Meng Chen, Yanxia Liu, Lei S. Qi, Sheng Ding. CRISPR-Based Chromatin Remodeling of the Endogenous Oct4 or Sox2 Locus Enables Reprogramming to Pluripotency. Cell Stem Cell, 2018; DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2017.12.001

Abstract: Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells typically requires the ectopic expression of transcription factors to reactivate the pluripotency network. However, it remains largely unclear what remodeling events on endogenous chromatin trigger reprogramming toward induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Toward this end, we employed CRISPR activation to precisely target and remodel endogenous gene loci of Oct4 and Sox2. Interestingly, we found that single-locus targeting of Sox2 was sufficient to remodel and activate Sox2, which was followed by the induction of other pluripotent genes and establishment of the pluripotency network. Simultaneous remodeling of the Oct4 promoter and enhancer also triggered reprogramming. Authentic pluripotent cell lines were established in both cases. Finally, we showed that targeted manipulation of histone acetylation at the Oct4 gene locus could also initiate reprogramming. Our study generated authentic iPSCs with CRISPR activation through precise epigenetic remodeling of endogenous loci and shed light on how targeted chromatin remodeling triggers pluripotency induction.

Deep, Restorative Sleep and Learning


A good night?s sleep makes an important contribution to our health while a poor night?s sleep has a negative effect. A new study published in the Nature Communications Journal by the University of Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich has discovered there is a connection between deep sleep and learning efficiency.

The researchers set out to examine how disturbed deep sleep affects the brain?s ability to learn new things. More specifically, the researchers were interested in the brain?s ability to adapt and change in response to stimuli received from the environment in the motor cortex and how it is affected by deep sleep. The motor cortex is the part of the brain that is responsible for controlling and developing motor skills. The deep sleep phase, also referred to as the slow-wave sleep phase, is key to memory processing and formation and additionally helps the brain restore itself after daytime activity.

The study included seven men and six women. All were asked to perform motoric tasks during the day followed by a night of undisturbed sleep followed by a night during which time their deep sleep was disturbed. The daytime tasks involved a variety of finger movements, and the researchers identified precisely the area of the brain responsible for learning movements. Using an electroencephalogram, the researchers monitored the brain activity while the participants slept.

On the first night following the first session of learning movements, the participants were able to sleep without disturbances. During the second night of the study, the researchers manipulated the quality of sleep. They focused on the motor cortex while disrupting deep sleep therefore studying the impact poor, disturbed sleep has on the neuroplasticity associated with practicing new movements. None of the participants knew their deep sleep was being tampered with. To them, quality of sleep was identical both nights.

Researchers then studied each participant?s ability to learn new movements. The participants learning performance was at its highest in the morning as expected. However, as the day progressed, more and more mistakes were made which again was as expected.
What the researchers found after a restorative night?s sleep was the participants learning efficiency spiked again. However, following the night of disturbed, manipulative sleep, the learning efficiency did not improve as significantly and the participant?s performance was as low in the morning as it was on the evening of the previous day.

According to the researchers, during manipulated deep sleep the neuron?s synapses did not rest which would normally occur during deep sleep. Our synapses get excited during the day as response to a variety of stimuli throughout each day. With sleep, these synapses restore themselves and activity normalizes. Without a restorative period of time, the synapses stay maximally excited for too long a period. This state inhibits neuroplasticity which means learning new things is no longer possible. Learning efficiency was saturated in the strongly excited area of the brain which inhibited learning new motor skills.

To further ensure they had located the right area of the brain responsible for deep sleep, the researchers conducted the experiment again this time assigning the same tasks as in the first study, but this time manipulated a different region of the brain. There was no change in the results of the participant?s performance.

The study revealed that poor sleep keeps the brain?s synapses excited by blocking the brain?s ability to learn. This is the first study to reveal the connection between deep sleep and learning efficiency. According to Reto Huber, Professor at the University Children?s Hospital in Zurich, the significance of the study also helped provide valuable information and insight into many diseases that manifest in sleep as well. The hope is that specific areas of the brain associated with a variety of diseases can be manipulated.

Reference: Sara Fattinger, Toon T. de Beukelaar, Kathy L. Ruddy, Nicole Wenderoth, Reto Huber; Deep sleep maintains learning efficiency of the human brain. Nat. Commun. 8, 15405 doi: 10.1038/ncomms15405 (2017)

Stand Up for Longer Telomeres

Stand for Longer Telomeres

During the past few years a number of studies have been published showing that sitting for long periods of time may decrease lifespan and contribute to other health problems. Now new research has studied the opposite side of this. Instead of measuring only the negative effects of prolonged sitting the scientists measured the benefits of standing. Interestingly it turns out that standing contributes to longevity and longer telomeres!

Research conducted by a team at the Karolinska Hospital in Sweden found that decreasing the amount of time elderly people spend sitting protects the DNA. Additionally, standing was associated with longer telomeres. As many of our readers know telomeres are caps which protect the end of chromosomes and the genetic code inside them. They are important for cell division and also ensure the genetic code is passed on to new cells. Telomeres are compared to the plastic tip at the end of shoelaces which protect the shoelace. Each time a cell divides, the telomeres are shortened. When telomeres become too short, cell division will stop. These shorter telomeres are indicators of disease, aging and early death. We can have as many as 8000 – 10,000 base pairs of telomeres when we are born. Every time a cell divides it loses base pairs of telomeres. As people age the number decreases to 5000 or less at which time cells become senescent and can no longer reproduce. Senescent cells also may malfunction and start producing free radicals and other toxins that can damage adjacent cells.

Dr. Mai-Lis Hellenius who led the Karolinska team, observed 49 predominantly overweight and sedentary adults, all in their late 60?s. Half of the group took part in a six month exercise regime while the other half did not take part in any physical activity. Blood was taken from each individual at the beginning of the six months and then at the end of the six months. The groups were assessed using a diary, questionnaire and pedometer to measure the total number of footsteps taken each day. The group who reduced their time spent sitting and increased their exercise were associated with telomere lengthening. The other less active group, exhibited shortened telomeres. The reduction in sitting time was of the greatest importance than in an increase in exercise time. While exercise indicates an overall healthier profile, the most significant factor appears to be home much time people spend sitting.

Dr. Joan Vernikos, former director of NASA?s Life Sciences, has observed that when astronauts returned from space they had lost muscle tissue and had experienced other damage to this health. Their sedentary lifestyle while in space contributed to a host of health issues another indicator that sitting for long periods of time was damaging to a person?s overall health and aging processes.

Stand up more and live longer! A sedentary lifestyle increases risk of death. Standing will contribute to better posture, increased energy and a lower risk for a host of serious diseases. So take a standing break as often as possible. If you have a desk job consider getting sit/stand desk which allows for raising the height to periodically work from a standing position. Another option is to set a timer and take a walking break for a few minutes every half hour or so. This also applies to any sitting whether watching television or prolonged driving. Get up and stretch, pace around or go outside and take a breath of fresh air! Protect your DNA and your telomeres by standing up for health!

Reference: Per Sj?gren, Rachel Fisher, Lena Kallings, Ulrika Svenson, G?ran Roos, Mai-Lis Hell?nius; Stand up for health?avoiding sedentary behaviour might lengthen your telomeres: secondary outcomes from a physical activity RCT in older people. Br J Sports Med Published Online First: 03 September 2014. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-093342

Abstract: Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells typically requires the ectopic expression of transcription factors to reactivate the pluripotency network. However, it remains largely unclear what remodeling events on endogenous chromatin trigger reprogramming toward induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Toward this end, we employed CRISPR activation to precisely target and remodel endogenous gene loci of Oct4 and Sox2. Interestingly, we found that single-locus targeting of Sox2 was sufficient to remodel and activate Sox2, which was followed by the induction of other pluripotent genes and establishment of the pluripotency network. Simultaneous remodeling of the Oct4 promoter and enhancer also triggered reprogramming. Authentic pluripotent cell lines were established in both cases. Finally, we showed that targeted manipulation of histone acetylation at the Oct4 gene locus could also initiate reprogramming. Our study generated authentic iPSCs with CRISPR activation through precise epigenetic remodeling of endogenous loci and shed light on how targeted chromatin remodeling triggers pluripotency induction.

Does Caloric Restriction Slow Down Aging in Humans?

Luigi Cornaro

It has been known for decades that caloric restriction significantly increases lifespan and health span in animals. Limiting food intake of mice, worms, and flies starting from birth lengthens their lifespan by 30% or more. Even more significant is that maximum lifespan increases not just the average. Of course there is no ethical or practical way to decrease calorie intake of humans during an entire lifetime so a different approach was needed. Instead of measuring actual lifespan scientists looked at the rate of biological aging in a group of 145 calorie restricted volunteers over a period of two years.

Research analysis of the data obtained through a trial study known as ?CALERIE? has shown evidence that suggests caloric restriction may benefit life span by slowing down biological aging in humans. One of the hallmarks of biologic aging is the deterioration of the human body?s systems over time. It has been known that caloric restriction hinders the aging process in animals at the physiological level. If biological aging can be slowed down through dietary caloric restriction in humans, it may be possible to prevent or slow down a variety of age-related diseases and disabilities. While chronological aging increases the same for everyone, biological aging will occur faster in some humans and slower in others.

The CALERIE study is the first study to gauge the effects of caloric restriction in human beings in a randomized setting. With population aging and the threat of an increase in disability and disease, the new field of ?geroscience? is responding to the challenge by studying and devising therapies known as ?geroprotective? therapies to assist in the extension of healthy life years.

The CALERIE study conducted by The National Institute of Aging, consisted of 220 individuals with 145 randomly restricted to a 12% caloric restriction over the 2 year course of the study, while the other 75 were allowed to maintain their existing caloric intake. Biological age for all participants was calculated according to their chronological age as well as taking into consideration biomarkers that gauge liver, kidney, metabolic system, immune system and cardiovascular functions. In addition, systolic blood pressure, cholesterol and hemoglobin levels were accounted for. At the beginning of the study the average chronological age was 38 years with an average biological age of 37 years.

At the one-year follow-up, there was an average biological age increase of 0.11 years in the group that were placed on caloric restriction. The group that was allowed to continue with their normal dietary intake indicated an average biological age increase of 0.71 years. The significant difference between the 2 groups indicated caloric restriction did slow down the rate of biological aging.

It is well known that overeating can lead to a variety of health issues that can shorten life span. Studies have shown that caloric restriction with proper nutrition reduces reactive oxygen species in the body. By restricting calories, the levels of hormones and lipid metabolites are changed and energy metabolism is altered and all of these can help lower the risk for most degenerative diseases related to aging. It also appears that caloric restriction provides a benefit to the processes of autophagy which is the way in which cells remove damaged components and replace them with new replacement parts. Research has shown that over time some specific types of damaged cellular components can contribute to damage and age-related decline to the body?s machinery. Caloric restriction is believed to have a protective effect on cells which may help cells better use antioxidants to help avoid damage caused by free radicals.

Caloric restriction has been shown to be associated with longevity and is the single non-genetic and non-pharmaceutical strategy currently shown to provide not only healthy benefits, but also slow down the biological aging process and the diseases associated with it. It is plausible that caloric restriction could be as dramatic as gains and benefits associated with exercise!

Reference: Daniel W Belsky, Kim M Huffman, Carl F Pieper, Idan Shalev, William E Kraus; Change in the Rate of Biological Aging in Response to Caloric Restriction: CALERIE Biobank Analysis; The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, Volume 73, Issue 1, 12 December 2017, Pages 4?10