Re-engineering Antibodies for the Covid-19 Virus

Due to the millions of cases of COVID-19 reported worldwide, people are looking to antibody tests to see whether they have been exposed to the coronavirus that leads to the disease. Questions have arisen in regards to what exactly are antibodies and why are they important? People wonder if they have them are they immune to COVID-19 and if not why? Can a person be injected with antibodies as a treatment or preventative?

Antibody tests are conducted to see if there is a presence of antibodies which are specific proteins that are made in response to infections and they are disease specific. For example, measles antibodies will protect a person from getting the measles if they are exposed to the disease again, however they won’t protect a person from getting the mumps if they are exposed to the mumps.

Antibodies are very important as they prevent infection and heal patients that have been infected by diseases. If a person has antibodies they are immune to a disease as long as they remain in the person’s system. If someone does not have antibodies, then infection will proceed and the pandemic continues.

This foreign antibody based protection is known as passive immunity which is short term immunity provided when a person is given antibodies to a particular disease rather than producing these antibodies through their own immune system.

Research was conducted at The Catholic University of America in Washington D. C. by Victor Padilla-Sanchez into the initial steps of antibody protection. He specializes in viruses and uses computer models to understand the structure of viruses on the molecular level. This information is then used to try to understand how the virus functions.

SARS was the first new infectious disease identified in the 21st century. This particular respiratory illness originated in China in November 2002 and the WHO identified this new coronavirus (SARS-CoV) as the agent that led to this outbreak.

We are now in the middle of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which emerged in Wuhan, China in 2019 and is known as COVID-19. To date there are no vaccines or therapeutics to fight this illness.

Both of these illnesses share the same spike protein, the entry key that allows the virus into human cells. The team’s idea was to take the antibodies found in the 2002 outbreak (80R and m396) and re-engineer them to fit the current COVID-19 virus.

Through using computer stimulation, Padilla-Sanchez discovered that differences in sequences prevent 80R and m396 from binding to COVID-19. Understanding why these antibodies did not bind to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein might pave the way to engineering new antibodies that are effective. Mutated versions of the two antibodies can be produced and administered as a therapeutic to fight the disease and prevent infection.

Padilla-Sanchez’s docking experiments indicated that amino acid substitutions in 80R and m396 should increase binding interactions between the two antibodies and SARS-CoV-2 which would provide new antibodies to neutralize the virus. His next step is to prove it in the lab.

The docking experiments were ran on Stampede2 using Rosetta software suite which includes algorithms for computational modeling and analysis of protein structures. This software binds the proteins then provides a score for each binding experiment. If a good docking position can be found, then it can be recommended that this new, mutated antibody should go to production.

Currently a variety of labs across the globe are already testing vaccines. If a vaccine isn’t found in the near term we still have passive immunity which can prevent infection for several months as long as a person has the antibodies. Passive immunity might be a fast track in providing relief for the pandemic.

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In silico analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and insights into antibody binding.

Job Related Physical Stress Linked to Memory and Brain Decline

A recent study from the Colorado State University has discovered that physical stress at one’s job could possiby be associated with poorer memory and faster brain aging. This study is the first evidence that links occupational stress to accelerated brain and cognitive aging.

It is well known that stress can speed up physical aging and is also a risk factor for many chronic illnesses. The research team looked at trying to understand how occupational exposures can affect the aging of our brains.

The average American employee spends 8 hours or more per weekday at work. And most people will stay in the workforce for more than 40 years. By volume, occupational exposures counter the time spent on cognitive, leisure and physical activities which all help protect our aging brains and minds.

For their study the team connected responses to an occupational survey with brain imaging data from 99 cognitively normal older adults aged 60 to 79. They discovered that the participants who reported high levels of physical stress in their most recent job had smaller volumes in the hippocampus and also performed poorer on their memory tasks.

The link between physical stress and memory/brain were driven by physical demands at the workplace. These include excessive lifting of boxes onto shelves and reaching which are not necessarily aerobic activity. This was found to be important because work done earlier by the team showed that limited aerobic activity is beneficial for the health of the brain and cognition from children to older adults. The researchers therefore controlled for the effects of exercise and leisure physical activity.

As was expected, limited physical activity was linked with greater hippocampal volume, however the negative association with physical demands at the workplace persisted. This particular finding suggests that physical demands at the workplace may have parallel yet opposing links to brain health.

Most interventions for postponing decline in cognition focus on leisure and not on a person’s job. While it is unknown territory, the team believe research in the future can help people make some tweaks to their workplace environment for long term cognitive health.

The care of people with cognitive impairment is very costly on emotional, societal and economic levels. If brain health can be supported earlier in middle-aged workers, it could have a significant impact.

The team did consider and corrected for a variety of other things that might be related to the environment at work, hippocampus and memory such as gender, age, educational level, brain size, years in the occupation, job title and general psychological stress.

Currently the research on this topic is fragmented. An earlier study linked mid-life experience in management with greater hippocampus volume in older adults. Another study indicated that taxi drivers had bigger hippocampi than city bus drivers which was presumed to be due to the need to navigate. In the current study, job psychological stress and complexity during work could not be related to cognition and hippocampal volume. This study is just another piece of the puzzle.

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Occupational Physical Stress Is Negatively Associated With Hippocampal Volume and Memory in Older Adults.

Diets High in Plant Proteins Linked to Lower Death Risk

Researchers have linked a diet high in protein and especially high in plant proteins to a lower risk of death from any cause. The team says their findings support current dietary recommendations for people to increase their consumption of plant proteins in the general population.

Diets that are high in protein and especially proteins from plants such as whole grains, nuts and legumes (beans, lentils & peas) have been linked to lower risks of people developing heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Regular consumption of red meat and high intakes of other animal proteins have been associated with several health problems.

However, data on the link between different types of proteins and death are somewhat conflicting. The research teams based in the USA and Iran set out to measure the potential dose response relationship between the intake of total animal and plant proteins and the risk of death related to all causes, cancer and cardiovascular disease.

The team reviewed the results of 32 studies that have reported risk estimates for all cause, cancer and cardiovascular mortality in adults aged 19 and older. All of the studies were thoroughly assessed for any bias or problems in study design that might influence the results.

Mathematical models were used to compared the effects of the highest vs. the lowest categories of protein intakes. Analyses were done to evaluate the dose response relationship between mortality and protein intake.

During the follow-up period of up to 32 years, 113,039 deaths (22,303 from cancer and 16,429 from cardiovascular disease) occurred among 715,128 study participants. The results indicated that a high intake of total protein was linked to a lower risk of all cause mortality compared to a low intake.

The intake of plant proteins was linked to an 8% lower risk of all cause mortality and a 12% lower risk of cardiovascular disease mortality. The consumption of animal protein was not significantly linked to a risk of cancer and cardiovascular mortality.

A dose response analysis of data from 31 studies also indicated that an additional 3% of energy derived from plant proteins daily was linked to a 5% lower risk of death from all causes.

Possible explanations for the beneficial effects of plant proteins include their link to favorable changes in cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels which may help lower the risk of conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease per the research team.

The team points to some limitations such as differences in the way studies analyzed the data and the possibility that some effects could have been due to confounding or unmeasured factors. Additionally, as most of the included studies were from Western nations, the team’s findings might not be applicable to other countries.

However, strengths from the study include the large number of participants and deaths which provides detailed insights into the link between the consumption of dietary protein and risk of mortality based on the current evidence.

The team’s findings have significant health implications as the consumption of plant proteins can be increased very easily by replacing animal proteins and could additionally have a large effect on longevity.

For anyone looking to increase their consumption of plant based proteins, the American Diabetes Association recommends eating foods such as beans, chickpeas, edamame beans, quinoa and lentils. And adding certain vegetables such as peas, spinach and broccoli can also be beneficial!

To view the original scientific study click below

Dietary intake of total, animal, and plant proteins and risk of all cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.

High Blood Sugar Levels May Reduce Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

Doctors encourage people to engage in regular aerobic exercise which is important for achieving and maintaining better overall health. A new study has however, found out that some benefits of aerobic exercise might be influenced by higher than normal levels of blood sugar which is a condition known as hyperglycemia.

These diminished gains were seen in human and mouse models who had chronic hyperglycemia that’s in the pre-diabetes range. The study has also shown that this maladaptive trait is independent of insulin levels in the blood and obesity.

Clinical studies have shown that people with chronically high levels of blood sugar or diabetes struggle to improve the capacity of their aerobic exercise compared to people who have normal blood sugar levels. The idea behind the current study was to see if induced high blood sugar in mice impairs their ability to increase their aerobic fitness. The team also looked to uncover the reasons that might lead to low fitness levels those that have hyperglycemia.

The team used 2 mouse models that reflected the two major reasons for hyperglycemia in people. One mouse group ate a Western diet which is high in saturated fat and sugar which caused weight gain along with hyperglycemia. The second mouse group was changed to promote less insulin which led to some of the same increases in blood sugar as in Western diets even though these mice ate a diet lower in fat and sugar and additionally maintained a normal body weight. Both of the mice in the two groups were subjected to a training regimen where they ran on the wheels in cages in order to increase their aerobic fitness.

In both of the hyperglycemic groups, the mice ran about 500 kilometers during the course of the study. However, on average they did not improve their aerobic exercise capacity in relation to mice that had lower blood sugar levels. When the team looked at the skeletal muscle in these mice, they noted that the muscle was’nt changing to the aerobic challenge as muscle would normally.

Muscle tissue can remodel itself which can be reason why exercise can become easier when done regularly. Over time, aerobic exercise such as swimming or running can alter muscle fibers to become more efficient at utilizing oxygen during exercise. Additionally, we grow new blood vessels which allows more oxygen to be delivered to the muscles which also helps promote our aerobic fitness levels.

The team proposes that the high levels of blood sugar might prevent muscle remodeling in part through modifying the extracellular matrix proteins found in the space between the muscles where blood vessels are formed.

Earlier research has demonstrated that a biological pathway called the JNK siginaling pathway can act as a kind of molecular switch which tells muscle cells to adapt to either strength or aerobic training. The team discovered that these JNK pathway signals were getting crossed in the hyperglycemic mice by activating pathways that as associated with strength training even though the mice were engaged in aerobic exercise. The results showed that the muscles of hyperglycemic mice have bigger fibers and fewer blood vessels which is more typical of strength training.

The team then followed up their findings on mice with clinical tests with young adult participants. They found that the participants who had higher blood sugar levels in response to the ingestion of glucose, a condition known as glucose tolerance, showed the lowest aerobic exercise capacity. When they looked at how their muscles responded to a single bout of aerobic exercise, they saw that the participants with the lowest glucose tolerance had the highest activation of the JNK signaling pathway which will block aerobic adaptations.

There is good news. Although the mouse models of hyperglycemia failed to improve their aerobic fitness with training they still achieved other important health benefits including improved glucose metabolism and decreased fat mass. Regular aerobic exercise if still a major recommendation for maintaining health in people with or without hyperglycemia. People who have hyperglycemia can benefit from other forms of exercise such as strength training which is also recommended for the maintenance of health.

The study does suggest a variety of approaches that may help people with chronic hyperglycemia eventually overcome obstacles to building aerobic capacity. One method is to adopt a diet that has been designed to keep blood sugar levels low. We sometimes believe that exercise and diet are separate ways to improve health. However, the team’s work shows that there is more interaction between these lifestyle factors than what has previously been known.

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Hyperglycaemia is associated with impaired muscle signalling and aerobic adaptation to exercise.

How Does a Stem Cell Know What to Become?

New findings from the University of Colorado Boulder may lead to new therapies for a variety of diseases including heart abnormalities and cancer. The study led researchers to becoming one step closer to answering the fundamental question as to how a stem cell, which is the raw material with which our tissue cells and organs are made of, knows what to become?

Deep inside our cells each one has the exact genome, a whole set of genes which provides the instructions for our cells’ function and form. If every blueprint is the same, then why does an eye cell act and look differently than a brain cell or skin cell?

The research team concluded that the molecular messenger RNA plays an indispensable role in differentiation of cells creating a bridge between our genes and our “epigenetic” machinery that regulates their turning on and off. When this bridge is flawed or missing, a stem cell on the way to becoming a heart cell will not learn to beat.

The research comes at a time when pharmaceutical companies are taking a huge interest in RNA. Although the new research is young, it is thought it could in the future inform development of new RNA targeted therapies ranging from therapies for cardiac abnormalities and cancer treatments.

All genes are not expressed in all cells all the time. Instead, each type of tissue has its own epigenetic program that will determine which genes get turned on or turned off at any time. The team determined that RNA is a master regulator of this epigenetic silencing. In the absence of RNA, this system does not work and it is critical for life.

Scientists have known for a long time that while each cell has the same genes, cells that reside in different tissues and organs express them differently. Epigenetics, the machines that switches them on or off, makes this possible. But just how this machinery works has not been clear.

In 2006 John Rinn who is now a professor of biochemistry at CU Boulder and Thomas Cech, the co-senior-author of the new paper, proposed for the first time that RNA might be the key. In a landmark paper published in Cell, Rinn showed that in the interior of the nucleus, RNA adheres itself to a cluster that is folds of proteins known as polycomb repressive complex (PRC2) which is thought to regulate gene expression. A variety of other studies have since found the same and have added that different RNAs also attach to other protein complexes.

The hot debate question became, does this actually matter in determining a cell’s fate? No less than 502 papers have been published since. Some indicated that RNA is key in epigenetics. Others dismissed its role as tangential at best.

In 2015 a biochemist and postdoctoral researcher named Yicheng Long in Thomas Cech’s lab set out to ask this same debate question again using the latest available tools. After a meeting at the BioFrontiers Institute where both labs are housed, Long ran into a computational biologist in Rinn’s lab. They formed a unique partnership.

They were able to use data science access and high powered computing to understand molecular patterns and evaluate RNA’s role in a new, quantitative approach. In the lab they used a simple enzyme to take out all the RNA in cells in an effort to understand whether the epigenetic machinery was still able to find it way to DNA to silence genes. Their answer was “no”.

It appeared RNA was playing the role of an air traffic controller, that is guiding the plane or protein complex to the correct spot on the DNA to land and then silence genes. For a third step, the team used the gene editing technology CRISPR to develop a line of stem cells that were destined to become human heart muscle cells but in which the PRC2 was incapable of binding to RNA. In other words, the plane could not connect with air traffic control and therefore lost its way and the process fell apart.

At day 7, the normal stem cells had started to look and act like heart cells. However the mutant cells did not beat. However, when normal PRC2 was restored, they began to act more normally. The team says they can now say without a doubt that RNA is critical in the process of cell differentiation.

Earlier research has shown that genetic mutations in humans which disrupt RNA’s ability to bind to these proteins, heightens the risk of fetal heart abnormalities and certain cancers. Ultimately the researchers see a day when RNA targeted therapies can be used to address such problems.

The new findings set a new scientific stage which shows an inextricable link between RNA biology and epigenetics. They could have significant implications for understanding and then addressing human disease in the future.

To view the original scientific study click below

RNA is essential for PRC2 chromatin occupancy and function in human pluripotent stem cells.

Stem Cells Regenerate Sun Damaged Skin

Plastic surgeons have for some time been using stem cells to treat aging and sun damaged skin with good results. However, it has not been exactly how these treatments work to rejuvenate “protoaged” skin on the face. A new study has found that within a few weeks, stem cell treatments will eliminate the sun damaged elastin network and replace them with normal undamaged structures and tissues.

This new microscopic level study has provided the answer. Injection of a patient’s own mesenchymal stem cells or MSCs, is competent, appropriate and sufficient to elicit full structural regeneration of skin that is sun aged.

The research team assessed the molecular and cellular level effects of MSC treatments on sun damaged or photoaged facial skin. All of the 20 patients in the study with an average age of 56 years, were scheduled for facelift surgery. All patients lived in northeast Brazil which is a region where very intense sun exposure is expected.

A small sample of fat cells obtained from the abdomen of each patient was processed to create patient specific MSCs. The cultured stem cells were then injected under the skin on the face and in front of the ear. Three to four months after the patients underwent facelift surgery, the skin samples from the stem cell treated area were compared to untreated areas.

Structural and histologic analysis under a microscope demonstrated that MSC treatment led to improvements in overall structure of the skin. Treated areas showed extensive or partial reversal of sun related damage to the skin’s stretchy elastin network which is the main skin structure affected by photoaging. Additionally, in the layer that lies immediately under the skin surface, the stem cell treated areas indicated regeneration of a new and fully organized network of fiber bundles and dermal extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling changes.

In the deeper skin layer, degraded, tangled and dysfunctional deposits of sun damaged elastin were replaced by a normal network of elastin fiber. These changes were accompanied by molecular markers of processes which are involved in absorbing the abnormal elastin and development of new elastin.

The studies findings have suggested that stem cells triggered each of the many molecular and cellular level pathways which are involved in skin repair and regeneration. Using a patient’s own fat derived MSCs may be a relevant proposal for the anti-aging action of regeneration of human skin that has been photodamaged.

The team concludes that stem cells can lead to regeneration of sun aged and damaged skin. The rebuilding of structures below the skin’s surface translates to true improvements in the strength and appearance of the facial dermis.

To view the original scientific study click below

Photoaged Skin Therapy with Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

Fish Oil for Depression

A new study has shown that fish oil can create an antidepressant response. The study used patient derived stem cells as a model for major depressive disorder to test how a patient responds to medication and also fish oil.

The University of Chicago researchers utilized stem cells from adults who had been clinical diagnosed with depression. The research has provided a number of new findings that may help scientists understand better the workings of the brain and also why some people who suffer from depression respond to drug treatments while others only experience some benefits from antidepressant medications.

The team was also excited to discover scientific evidence that fish oil which is easily procured, natural product, may effectively treat depression. Depression or major depressive disorder, is the most prevalent psychiatric disorder. About one in six people will have at least one depressive episode during their lifetime. Unfortunately, antidepressant treatments fail in about 1/3 of these patients.

DUring the study the team used skin cells from adults who suffered from depression. These skin cells were converted into stem cells to change into nerve cells. The biopsies of the skin, taken from 2 types of patients – patients who had earlier responded to antidepressant treatments and patients who earlier had been resistant to antidepressants.

From testing fish oil, the models from all the treatment-resistant patients and the treatment-sensitive patients responded. The responses were similar to what had been seen already from prescription antidepressants, but it had been produced through different mechanisms.

The team observed that fish oil was relying in part on glial cells and not neurons. For many years scientists have paid little attention to glia which is a type of brain cell that surrounds neurons. There is now more evidence than ever that glia plays a role in major depression. The recent study hints that glia cojld also be crucial for antidepressant actions.

The study has also indicated that a stem cell model could be utilized to study responses to use and that treatment with fish oil or even a companion to treatment for depression, needs increased study.

For those that want to take fish oil it is important to purchase one that is very high quality. Cheap fish oils tend to be rancid and contain PCB’s, dioxin, flame retardant chemicals and other pollutants. The more expensive fish oils such as Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega which can be purchased at most health food stores are more much more effective. Life Code does not sell fish oil or have any financial interest in Nordic Naturals.

To view the original scientific study click below

N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids promote astrocyte differentiation and neurotrophin production independent of cAMP in patient-derived neural stem cells.

Can Diluted Blood Plasma Reverse Aging?

A recent study has shown that replacing half of the blood plasma with a mixture of albumin and saline reverses signs of aging and also rejuvenates brain, muscle and liver tissue in old mice. The team who conducted the research is currently finalizing clinical trials to see if a modified plasma exchange in humans could be used to treat age related diseases such as neuro degeneration, muscle wasting, immune deregulation, and type 2 diabetes, and also improve the overall health of older people.

In 2005 researchers at the University of California, Berkeley were surprised by making the discovery that making conjoined twins from old and young mice such that they share organs and blood, can rejuvenate tissues and reverse signs of aging in old mice. Their finding encouraged a large amount of research into whether a young mice’s blood might might include certain molecules or proteins that might be a fountain of youth for both mice and humans.

A new study by the same research team discovered that replacing 1/2 of the blood plasma of the older mice with a combination of albumin and saline, where the albumin replaces protein that had been lost when the original blood plasma had been removed, has the same or even stronger rejuvenation effects on the liver, brain and muscle then pairing with young mice or young blood exchange. They also found that performing the identical procedure on young mice had no negative effects on their health.

This new information alters the dominant model of rejuvenation away from young blood and towards the benefits of taking away age elevated and also probable harmful factors in old blood.

There were two interpretations of the original experiments. One is that in the mouse joining experiment rejuvenation was due to young blood and young factors or proteins that become diminished with aging. Another equally possible interpretation is that as aging occurs there is an elevation of specific proteins in the blood that become harmful and these were removed or neutralized by the young partners. The team believe as the science indicates, the correct interpretation is the second one. Young factors or blood are not needed for the rejuvenating effect as dilution of old blood is sufficient.

The composition of blood plasma in humans can be altered through a clinical procedure known as therapeutic plasma exchange or plasmapheresis which is FDA approved in the United States for treatment of a variety of autoimmune diseases. The team believe it may take a bit of time for people to give up the idea that young plasma contains rejuvenation molecules for aging. They hope their results open the door for additional research into using plasma exchange not only for aging but also for immunomodulation.

The team has found that the plasma exchange process acts about like a molecular reset button by lowering the intensity of quite a lot of pro-inflammatory proteins which become elevated as they aged. This allow more beneficial proteins like those that will promote vascularization to resurface in large quantities.

They say that some of these proteins are of interest and in the future they may look at them as current therapeutic and drug candidates. However, they believe that it is improbable that aging would be reversed by changes in just one protein. In their experiments, they found that they can do one procedure that is relatively simple and also FDA approved, yet it simultaneously changed levels of proteins in the right direction.

Therapeutic blood plasma exchange in humans takes two to three hours and has no or just mild side effects. It is used in clinical practices. The research team is about to begin clinical trials to better understand how this blood exchange could best be applied to treating a variety of human ailments caused by the aging process.

To view the original scientific study click below

Rejuvenation of three germ layers tissues by exchanging old blood plasma with saline-albumin.

Beneficial Bacteria in Our Nose!

Beneficial bacterial strains reside in our skin, genital tracts and guts and have been shown to play an important role in human health. Researchers have now found that some of these good bacteria also reside in our noses!

The team found that people with chronic sinus and nasal inflammation have fewer lactobacilli in their upper respiratory tract than healthy controls. They were also able to identify a specific strain of this bacteria which has evolved to better survive the oxygen rich environment of the nose.

For part of their study, the team developed a proof of concept nasal spray which could deliver lactobacilli to the nose. Here the bacteria were able to colonize the upper respiratory tract of healthy participants.

To see if bacteria we typically associate with gut health have a role in the health of the upper respiratory tract, the team compared the nose bacteria between 100 healthy participants and 225 patients who suffered from chronic rhinosinusitis. They looked at the prevalence of 30 varying families of bacteria in the upper respiratory tract of the participants. They found that the healthy participants had a greater abundance of lactobacilli than the patients – up to ten times more in some areas of the nose.

Lactobacilli are well known rod shaped, beneficial bacteria that contain pathogen inhibiting properties because they produce lactic acid through the fermentation of sugar. However, these bacteria have never been studied in detail in the nose.

The team took a closer look and found a specific strain of the Lacticaseibacillus that not only showed some antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects against pathogens, but also some unique features that enables the strain to adapt better to the environment of the nose. Most lactobacilli prefer to grow in the absence of oxygen, however the identified strain showed unique genes that made it capable in coping with the higher oxidative stress levels in the nose.

The team also observed the bacteria was covered with flexible, hair like tubes called fimbriae which enable them to adhere to the surface cells in the nose which indicated an interaction between the host and the bacteria.

The team looked to verify their findings in vivo. However, a limitation is that there are actually no good mechanistic models or animal models to study the interaction of bacteria in the nose and human host. The microbiome of the nose of mice compared to humans is certainly different. Also, mice breathe through their nose and they do not get chronic rhinosinusitis and have fewer allergies and inflammations.

However, the results from the lab and the long history of the safe use of lacatobacilli allowed the team to study the bacteria in humans instead of using animal models. They created a kind of probiotic nasal spray with a selected lactobacillus strain in the unique formulation for 20 healthy participants.

Introducing bacteria to the nose can be a challenge because the nose is so good at filtering out foreign substances. Any substance introduced to the nose will typically disappear within 15 minutes. However, after administering the spray twice daily for two weeks, the bacteria remained in the nose longer than 15 minutes. They colonized the nose for up to two weeks without any adverse effects.

The study using the spray was not set up to look at beneficial effects, however anecdotally some of the participants noted having fewer nasal problems and said they could also breathe better.

The next step for the team is to understand if the fimbraie and the ability to endure oxidative stress are key to the beneficial anti-inflammatory properties of the strain. They also want to identify which antimicrobial molecules the stain produces in addition to the lactic acid.

Ultimately, their goal is the develop therapeutics based on nasal probiotics to help improve the symptoms of people suffering from sinusitis. Sinusitis people don’t have a lot of treatment options. And with treatments that are available, problems like antibiotic resistance and side effects often occur. The team believes there are certain patients who would benefit from remodeling their microbiome and introducing beneficial bacteria in their nose to help reduce certain symptoms.

To view the original scientific study click below

Lactobacilli Have a Niche in the Human Nose.

Physical Activity Helps Prevent Early Death

Researchers at the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh have shown that at least 3.9 million early deaths are being averted throughout the world every year by people being physically active. The study shows that too often we focus on the negative health results of poor levels of being physically active when we should be celebrating the positive benefits of being active.

All research into lifestyle factors such as poor diet, smoking, drinking alcohol and physical activity tends to focus on the harms these factors play in poor health. This helps create a narrative to try and prevent and reduce these behaviors.

The team believe there is value in trying to understand that behaviors that are healthy confer in order to argue for increasing and maintaining them. They decided to look instead at population activity levels and then estimate the health benefits of physical activity to society.

In the study, the team used a number of known as the Prevented Fraction for the Population. In this case, the proportion of deaths that were prevented due to people being more physically active.

They examined previously published models for 168 countries on the proportion of the population meeting the World Health Organizations global recommendation of over 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity throughout a week, or 75 minutes of strenuous intensity activity, or an equivalent combination of both. The proportion of populations meeting the recommended level of physical activity varied quite substantially between countries. Kuwait showed a low of 33%, 64% for the United Kingdom, and a high of 94% for Mozambique.

Through combining the data with conjectures of the possible risk of premature death for people who were active compared to less active people, the team could estimate the proportion of premature death that were prevented due to people being physically active.

They discovered that all over the world, due to physical activity the number of premature deaths was an average of 15% lower than it would have been – 16% for men and 14% for women. This equates to approximately 3.9 millions lives saved each year.

Despite the large amount of variation in physical activity levels between the countries, the positive contribution of physical activity was quite consistent across the world. There was a broad trend towards a greater proportion of premature deaths averted for middle and low income countries. In the low income countries, an average of 18% of premature deaths were averted compared to 14% for the higher income countries.

In the United States, 140,200 premature deaths were prevented annually and in the United Kingdom 26,600.

Health experts will often times frame the debate in terms of the number of early deaths due to the lack of physical activity which estimates that 3.2 million die prematurely every year. The researchers however, say that through showing how many deaths are averted, it may also be possible to frame the debate in a positive manner which could have benefits to policy, advocacy and population messaging.

By focusing on the number of lives saved rather than looking at the downsides of not getting enough physical activity, we are able to tell a positive news story of what has already being achieved. This tells us how much good is being accomplished and helps us become more aware of how much benefit physical activity is already providing. This leads to finding ways to be even better by increasing physical activity levels further.

While there is a risk of complacency, people wondering why we need to invest more when it’s already providing benefit, gives the team hope that their hope findings will encourage local authorities and governments to protect and maintain services even in challenging economic climates.

To view the original scientific study click below

Use of the prevented fraction for the population to determine deaths averted by existing prevalence of physical activity: a descriptive study.