For Weight Loss Vegan Vs. Mediterranean Diet

For promoting healthy weight loss, a recent study has shown that a diet that is low-fat vegan just might be more effective than the mediterranean diet. If the studies results are accurate, people who are desiring to lose weight and in addition are wanting to improve their overall health, they can now practice a more eco-friendly and effective diet option.

A lot of people advocate for the mediterranean diet since it involves consuming plenty of vegetables, fruits, olive oil and legumes and limiting consumption of red meat and saturated fats. There is new evidence that following a vegan type diet which avoids all animal based foods can offer similar benefits.

A 2020 review has shown that a vegan diet is associated with a minimum of 11 significant health benefits including risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer.

For the current study, the team set out to compare the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and a vegan diet. Earlier studies suggested that both diets improve cardiometabolic risk factors and body weight. The team decided to test both diets and discovered that the vegan diet was more effective for boosting weight loss and improving markers of health.

The team’s findings might be great news for people who are wanting to maintain or reach a moderate weight and also improve a variety of health metrics and reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease. In the current study 62 adult participants who were overweight consumed either a mediterranean diet or a low-fat vegan diet for 16 weeks. They were told they did not need to limit their calories or make any medication or exercise changes.

The adults who followed the mediterranean diet following the PREDIMED Study protocol which involved eating mostly fruits, vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, legumes, fish and low-fat dairy while limiting their saturated fat and red meat intake. The adults who followed the low-fat vegan diet were told to avoid all animal based foods and limit their intake of foods that are fatty.

After the 16 week period, the participants were told to return to their normal diet habits for a period of 4 weeks. After that period, the participants switched diets for another 16 week period.

The team reports that in the 16 week periods, the low-fat vegan diet regularly showed:

Greater loss of fat that is visceral over the mediterranean diet. Average weight loss was 13 pounds while the mediterranean diet did not produce any mean change.

Reduction in insulin resistance and an increase in insulin sensitivity whereas the mediterranean diet showed no significant changes.

A larger loss of fat mass. Reductions in bad LDL cholesterol were 15.3 mg/dl and18.7 mg/dl in the total cholesterol levels whereas the mediterranean diet showed no significant changes.

The team did note that both of the diets resulted in lower blood pressures with the mediterranean diet reducing by about 6.0 mm/Hg and the Vegan diet reduced it by 3.2 mm/Hg.

The team believes that the vegan diet most likely led to weight loss because the diet will naturally lead to reduced calorie consumption. This diet also led to reductions in saturated and fat intake overall and an increase in fiber intake.

The mediterranean diet does allow for high fat foods including dairy products, vegetable and nut oils and fatty fish.

The study did have some limitations. The team could not control just how tightly the participants followed the diets. Additional studies will focus on how the low-fat vegan diets affect risk factors for cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol over longer periods.

To view the original scientific study click below:
A Mediterranean Diet and Low-Fat Vegan Diet to Improve Body Weight and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: A Randomized, Cross-over Trial

Improve Brain Health With Diet

According to new research at Binghamton University, State University of New York, diet could be the key to improving brain health. The evidence suggests that just eating a healthy diet will not work for everyone. Lifestyle, diet, age and gender also need to be considered.

There are differences in people that mental health therapies need to consider. For instance, people between the ages of 18-29 and people over 30 years and men versus women have a different level of brain maturity.

The research team surveyed people to discover their food and dietary intake, the amount of exercise they get and other lifestyle habits between the different ages and genders. From 2014-2019 they surveyed over 2,600 people through a questionnaire on social media posts. The data was collected at different times of the year and they found significant contributors to mental distress, such as depression and anxiety, that related to diet and lifestyle.

They found among young women that improved mental health included breakfast daily, a moderately high level of exercise, infrequent fast food and low caffeine consumption. Among mature women, good mental health included daily exercise and breakfast including eating a significant amount of fruits and they also had less caffeine intake.

There was found to be a difference in improved mental health among men in relation to their age. Young men tended to exercise frequently, consumed moderate amounts of dairy, high level of meat consumption, a low intake of caffeine and no fast food. The mental well-being of mature men consisted of a moderate consumption of nuts.

Because the human brain is still developing in the late 20’s, the team split the people surveyed into 2 age groups. For young adults of both genders, their diet quality impacts the developing brain. The brain is still building structures as well as forming new connections at this age, therefore, these people need more nutrients and energy for this. The result of a poor diet is a high degree of mental health distress in these young people.

Age also plays a factor in mental distress with high caffeine consumption in both genders. Caffeine can stay in the system for a long time stimulating nerves, contributing to anxiety and stress.

The team also found out that men and women differ to the way the brain is wired. Men’s brains tend to enable coordination and perception, while women’s brain supports intuition and analysis. These differences can affect nutritional needs. It was found that men are affected less by diet than women. If men eat a slightly more healthy diet they tend to have good mental health. Women, in all age groups, were found to need to be eating a lot of healthy food and exercising to have a positive mental health.

To view the original scientific study click below

Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle and Mental Distress among Young and Mature Men and Women: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study

Can A Clock Measure Biological Age?

A person knows their chronological age. But knowing your biological age can prove to differ from it significantly. All people age at different speeds. To find out a person’s biological age researchers at the Univ. of Cologne have developed a method by using an ‘aging clock’. It can read an organisms biological age by its gene expression, the transcriptome.

Currently, biological age of an organism, like Horvath’s epigenetic clock, is determined by the pattern of methylations. These small chemical groups attach to DNA, thus changing with age. The new clock uses the transcriptome to consider the genes that are read from DNA to make cell proteins.

In the past, transcriptome was determined to be too complex to reveal age. Transcribing genes would result in sometimes a large amount of mRNA and sometimes a small amount. Therefore, making it impossible to develop precise aging clocks. The new approach is a mathematical trick to ignore gene activity differences. The new aging clock uses binarized transcriptome to divide genes into 2 groups, either on or off. This reduces immense variation and makes aging predictable. By making this simple procedure the accuracy of biological age is close to the theoretical limit of accuracy. This can even occur with higher ages, which, in the past has been hard to measure because of high gene activity

Researchers can accurately predict with the new clock pro- and anti-aging variances of genes and use different factors influencing the nematode in a young person. They also discovered the clock revealed that genes signalling in neurons and of the immune response are important to the aging process.

To be able to measure a person’s biological age can be important in determining the environmental influence, a person’s diet and any therapies used, on the aging process in relation to age-related diseases. Therefore, this new clock has an extensive application in aging research.

To view the original scientific study click below:
BiT age: A transcriptome?based aging clock near the theoretical limit of accuracy

Injured Spinal Cord Repair Using Patient’s Stem Cells

Injuries to the spinal cord are experienced by hundreds of thousands of people each year and many people experience significant and many times permanent loss of physical sensation and movement due to the resulting nerve damage.

Treatment options are unfortunately mostly non-existent other than intensive physical rehabilitation programs which in some cases can improve outcomes. Now, recent results after a phase 2 clinical trial, fresh hope is being offered for remedies.

Researchers from Yale University and Japan have reported that injections made intravenously of bone marrow derived stem cells into patients with spinal cord injuries resulted in significant improvement in the patient’s motor functions. The thought that function restoration following injury to the spinal cord and brain using a patient’s own stem cells has been intriguing to researchers for years. There is now some hint that it may be possible in humans.

The experimental collaboration by the scientists from the US and Japan, included 13 patients who had spinal cord injuries and all experienced a range of functional improvements with their condition following treatment with an intravenous infusion of their very own stem cells which were derived from their own bone marrow.

The stem cells used are known as mesenchymal stem cells or MSCs. These are multi-potent adult stem cells which have the ability to differentiate into cell type varieties which enables them to repair cartilage, bone, fat tissue and muscle.

The patients involved in the research had experienced non-penetrating injuries to their spine. In most cases this was due to minor trauma or falls several weeks before receiving stem cells implants. The symptoms included loss of coordination and motor function, in addition to bladder and bowel dysfunction. The stem cells use were from the patient’s bone marrow and through a culture protocol which had taken a few weeks in a specialized processing center for stem cells.

For over half of patients with non-penetrating injuries to the spine, significant improvements in some of their key functions such as the ability to walk and/or use their hands, was noted within weeks of the stem cell injections. Of the patients treated and all of whom sustained injuries to their spine during serious physical accidents, all except one showed improvements in key motor or sensory functions by six months following the infusion. And no significant side effects were noted.

Intravenously infused MSCs might not only affect the site of injury, but other parts of the central nervous system including blood and brain vessels. It is unclear whether than can explain some of the results that were seen, but certainly outcomes are notable.

The team do emphasize that further research is needed in order to confirm the findings of this early, unblinded trial which they say could take years. However, they remain optimistic given the challenges. Results that have been similar with stem cells in people who have experienced stroke does increase their confidence that their approach could be clinically useful.

The current research is a culmination of substantial pre-clinical lab work utilizing bone marrow derived stem cells.

To view the original scientific study click below:

Intravenous infusion of auto serum-expanded autologous mesenchymal stem cells in spinal cord injury patients: 13 case series

Daily Mix of 5 Vegetables and Fruits for Longer Life

A large study conducted by scientists at Harvard University has shown that the “five a day” rule for consuming 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day can lower risk of death. The maximum benefit of 3 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit each day may be the optimal combination and amount for longer life, and consuming more than that of either was not shown to be linked to any better longevity.

The findings do support the U.S. diet recommendations to consume more vegetables and fruits with the simple message of 5 per day. In America just 1 in 10 people actually consume 3 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit on a daily basis. The average person in American consumes just 1.5 servings of veggies per day and just one serving of fruit per day.

The research team followed and analyzed data from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study and the Nurse’s Health Study. These 2 studies included over 100,000 adults whom of which were tracked for over 3 decades. The data sets from both studies included very detailed dietary information which was repeatedly obtained every two to four years. For the analysis, the team pooled data on vegetable and fruit intake and also death obtained from 26 studies which included 29 territories and countries which included South and North America, Africa, Europe, Australia and Asia and close to 1.9 million participants.

The analysis of all of the studies including a composite of over 2 million participants showed the following:

Consumption of about 5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily was linked to a lower risk of death with more than that not showing any extra benefit.

When compared to people who ate just 2 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, there was a 12% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, 13% lower risk of death due to all causes, 35% lower risk of death resulting from a respiratory disease, and a 10% lower risk of death due to cancer.

Not all foods that might be considered vegetables and fruits showed the same benefits. Starchy veggies such as corn and potatoes and peas were not linked to the reduced risk of death due to all causes or any specific diseases which are typically chronic.

Green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, kale, and spinach and vegetables and fruits which are rich in Vitamin C and Beta Carotene such as carrots, berries and citrus fruits indicated benefits.

To confirm their findings, the team conducted a meta-analysis of 26 additional studies which involved two million participants. The findings were found to be similar with the largest reduction in death happening at the five per day mark. The results in U. S. women and men showed results similar to those from 26 around the world. The indicates the biological plausibility of the team’s findings and also has suggested that the findings can be applied to more populations.

There is a limitation to the analysis since it is an observational study with dietary data being self-reported and might be inaccurate therefore causation cannot be proved. However, the study does provide large support for the idea that consuming more veggies and fruits is good for people.

Diets which are rich in vegetables and fruits help in reducing the risk of a variety of chronic health problems which are leading roots of death. These include cancer and cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association has recommended that people fill a minimum of ½ their plate with vegetables and fruits for each meal.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Mortality: Results From 2 Prospective Cohort Studies of US Men and Women and a Meta-Analysis of 26 Cohort Studies

Caffeine Consumption and Affect on Brain Structure

Caffeine in energy drinks, cola or coffee is the globe’s most extensively consumed substance that is considered psychoactive. New research has just shown that consuming caffeine on a regular basis can alter the brain’s gray matter. The effect does appear to be temporary, however.

A research team at the University of Basel and the Psychiatric Hospital at the University, set out to investigate if consuming caffeine regularly can affect the brain’s structure because of poor sleep. Caffeine enables people to feel extra alert. It can however, disrupt sleep when consumed at later hours in the day. Sleep deprivation can affect the brain’s gray matter as previous research has shown.

The results of the research was surprising to the team. The caffeine which had been consumed for the study did not show results of poor sleep. However, the team did observe some changes in the brain’s gray matter. Gray matter is part of the central nervous system which is mostly made up of the cell bodies of nerve cells. White matter in the brain mostly comprises neural pathways which are long extensions of these nerve cells.

20 young, healthy people all who drink coffee regularly on a daily basis participated in the study. Each participant was given tablets they took over two periods of 10 days and were also instructed not to drink any caffeine during the time periods. One study period included tablets that contained caffeine. The other study period included tablets that were placebos.

Following each of the 10 day periods, the team examined each participant’s volume of their gray matter through brain scans. They additionally examined the sleep quality in the sleep lab of each participant through recording the electrical activity of their brain.

Through comparing the data, it was revealed that the depth of sleep of each participant was equal whether they had consumed the placebo or the caffeine tablet. However, they did observe a noteworthy difference in their gray matter whether the participant had taken the placebo or the caffeine tablet.

At the end of the 10 day period when the participant’s were given the placebo or “caffeine abstinence”, the gray matter’s volume was greater than after the same 10 day period that included the caffeine tablets.

The team noted that the difference was especially noteworthy in the right medial temporal lobe and including the hippocampus which is the part of the brain that is necessary for memory consolidation. The team believes their results don’t necessarily indicate that consuming caffeine results in an impact that is negative on the brain. However, consuming caffeine daily does affect the cognitive hardware.

Even though caffeine appears to decrease gray matter’s volume, following just 10 days of not drinking caffeine it appeared to regenerate significantly in the participants. The changes appear to be temporary in brain morphology, however systematically comparing coffee drinks with people who typically consume no caffeine or little, has been lacking to date.

To view the original scientific study click below

Daily Caffeine Intake Induces Concentration-Dependent Medial Temporal Plasticity in Humans: A Multimodal Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial

Exercise Protein May Improve Physical Activity, Performance and Fitness

A recent study from the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology has shown that during exercise people express a strong hormone and that hormone when given to mice improves their physical capacity, performance and fitness. The research team’s findings have indicated new potential for addressing physical decline in humans during the aging process.

The study has revealed a detailed observation of how mitochondrial genome will encode instructions for regulating performance, physical capacity and metabolism that occurs with aging and may have the ability to increase a healthy lifespan.

Mitochondria are the energy source for cells. They also serve as the hub that coordinates and fine tunes metabolism through active communication throughout the body. As people age, this communication network appears to deteriorate. However, the recent research has suggested that it is possible to restore that communication network or refresh older mice so that they becomes just as fit as mice that are younger.

The team set out to look at the MOTS-c role. MOTS-c is one of a variety of newly identified hormones which mimic the results of exercise. This particular hormone is unique because rather than being encoded in the larger genome in the nucleus of a cell, it is encoded in the mitochondria’s small genome. This provides a brand new genome for targeting new interventions.

For the study, the team tested the affects of injecting MOTS-c in affected mice of a variety of ages through measuring physical performance and capacity in middle-aged mice (12 months of age), young mice (2 months of age) and older mice (22 months of age). The mice were given physical challenges which included running on a treadmill that accelerated and keeping their balance on a rod that rotated. All mice receiving the MOTS-c treatment and of all ages showed significant results of the challenges, scoring better than mice that were untreated and of all ages.

Interestingly, even the mice that were given a high-fat diet indicated significant physical improvements following MOTS-c injection and also showed less gain in weight that the untreated mice. The findings are similar to previous studies of MOTS-c injections in mice which also showed reversed age and diet dependent resistance to insulin and obesity due to an induced diet.

The team also saw significant physical improvements in MOTS-c treated older mice who were near the end of their life. The later life treatment showed improved gait, grip strength and physical performance which were all assessed through a walking test since a running test wasn’t possible for these older mice.

The mice who were older were equivalent to 65 years of age and older in humans. Once they were treated, their capacity on the treadmill was doubled and were also able to outperform the untreated, middle-aged cohorts.

In order to measure what effects exercise has on MOTS-c levels in humans, the team collected plasma and muscle tissue from the skeletons of young, healthy male participants who were instructed to exercise on stationary bicycles. The test samples were collected previous to the exercise, during the exercise period and following the exercise in addition to samples collected after a 4 hour resting period.

Levels of MOTS-c in muscle cells showed significant increases almost 12-fold following exercise and stayed partially elevated following the four hour resting period. Additionally, levels of MOTS-c in the blood plasma increased by about 50% both after and during exercise returning to baseline following the 4 hour rest. These results indicate that exercise in and of itself was the factor which prompted the expression of mitochondrial encoded managed peptides.

As a result of the studies in mice and the MOTS-c expression during exercise in people, there is support of the idea that the aging process is regulated by genes in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Although additional research is needed in regard to MOTS-c, the current data has indicated that treatments with MOTS-c might increase healthy lifespans in humans and additionally address a variety of age related diseases and conditions such as frailty.

The team has indicated that their findings from the MOTS-c injections in mice are quite promising for eventual translation into people. This is especially promising given the findings were the result of treatments in the mice beginning at an older age.

Reduced walking capacity and reduced stride length are indicators of declines in human physical performance and are greatly associated with morbidity and mortality in humans. Interventions that can target age related frailty and decline which can be applied in later life could be more feasible when compared to treatments for a lifetime.

To view the original scientific study click below

MOTS-c is an exercise-induced mitochondrial-encoded regulator of age-dependent physical decline and muscle homeostasis.

Energy Drinks Can Have Adverse Effects

A study led by researchers at Texas A&M University has shown that some energy drinks have harmful effects on the muscle cells of the heart. The team observed that cardiomyocytes which are human heart cells that have been grown in a lab, when exposed to some energy beverages showed an increased heartbeat rate and a variety of other factors that affect cardiac function.

When these results are placed in the context of the human body, drinking these beverages has been linked to irregular beating of the heart, increased blood pressure, cardiomyopathy which is a disease of the heart muscle making it difficult to pump blood, and other conditions affecting the heart.

Global sales of energy beverages is estimated at $53 billion in 2018 and is rapidly growing. It has become important to understand any potential negative and unintended health problems associated with these drinks.

The consumption of energy beverages is not regulated and they are widely and easily accessible to all age groups over the counter. The consumption of them has been linked to a wide range of negative health effects in people and many of these effect the heart.

The team evaluated 17 widely available drinks which are sold over the counter. They then treated each drink with cardiomyocytes. They additionally studied the composition of each drink using novel methods. They then compared the effects and the differing ingredient concentrations of each drink and were able to conclude which ingredients might be contributing more to the adverse effects on the treated cardiomyocytes.

Through using mathematical models, they will able to determine that the possible presence of adenine, theophylline, and azelate are all substances that can result in negative effects on the heart. Very little is known in regards to these ingredients that could contribute to the negative effects of the energy drinks on the heart.

The evidence for the cardiovascular effects from these beverages on humans does remain inconclusive since the controlled clinical trials were mainly limited in the number of participants. The only tested a limited number of energy beverage types and were difficult to compare directly due to the fact that they employ different methods to evaluate the function of the cardiovascular system.

Additional research on the ingredients which were identified in this study is warranted to ensure the safety of consuming them, especially with consumers who have pre-existing health conditions.

However, the current study does show that some of the tested energy beverages have effects on human cardiomyocytes and the data does corroborate other studies on humans. The hope is that consumers will carefully consider the performance enhancing benefits of these particular beverages versus the emerging data which has suggested that they may have real adverse effects.

The team also hopes that the FDA will take a closer look at whether these drinks may need to be carefully reviewed in regards to possible labeling of their possible adverse health effects, and also whether certain age groups and susceptible sub-populations should be advised against drinking them.

To view the original scientific study click below

Relationships between constituents of energy drinks and beating parameters in human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-Derived cardiomyocytes

Combat Chronic Inflammation with Muscle Exercises

A team of biomedical engineers from Duke University have shown that human muscle possesses the natural ability to fend off some of the damage caused by chronic inflammation through exercise. Their discovery was manifested when they used engineered, grown in the lab human muscle.

There are a variety of processes that take place throughout the body through exercise. It can be somewhat difficult to differentiate which cells and systems are performing what inside the body of an active human. The team can mix and match a variety of cell types and tissue components from their engineered muscle platform and in the recent study, their discovery showed the muscle cells were able to take on anti-inflammatory measures on their own.

Inflammation can be good or bad. When a person injures their body, the first response is a low level inflammation reaction that will clear out debris and help in the rebuilding of tissue. As a response in other times, the body’s immune system will overreact and begins creating an inflammatory response that leads to damage. This is often the case in some COVID-19 situations where a deadly cytokine storm occurs. Additionally, there are a variety of diseases that also bring on chronic inflammation such as sarcopenia and rheumatoid arthritis which can lead to the wasting away of muscle and weakening its capability to contract.

There are a large variety of molecules which can lead to inflammation. Interferon gamma is a molecule that is pro-inflammatory and has been linked to a variety of muscle dysfunction and wasting. Earlier research in both animals and humans has exhibited that in general, exercising can assist in mitigating some of the results of inflammation. However, it has been challenging to differentiate what particular role these cells might play and also how they can be interacting with particular offending molecules for example, interferon gamma.

It is well known that diseases that are chronically inflammatory encourage muscles to atrophy. The team set out to see if the identical thing would occur in their engineered human muscle that was grown in the lab in a Petri dish. They not only confirmed that interferon gamma mostly works via a specific signaling pathway, they also were able to show that through exercising the muscle cells they were able to directly counter the pro-inflammatory signaling pathway separate from the presence of other tissues and cell types.

The team then set out to show proof that muscle by itself is able to block the destructive effects of interferon gamma. They used an engineered muscle platform which the lab had been developing over the previous decade. They initially grew functional, contracting human skeletal muscle in the lab and then began improving their processes by adding reservoirs of stem cells and immune cells to the mix.

The team involved in the recent study, utilized the lab-grown, fully functional muscles and overwhelmed them with high levels of interferon gamma for a period of seven days in order to copy the effects caused by long lasting periods of chronic inflammation. As the team expected, the muscle lost a large amount of its strength and it also became smaller.

They then reapplied the interferon gamma, however this time they also used a pair of electrodes to simulate an exercise regime on the muscle. They discovered that this procedure just about completely prevented the results of chronic inflammation. They also demonstrated that the simulated exercise on the muscle inhibited a particular molecular pathway contained in the muscle cells. They also showed that two particular medications that are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis also blocked the same pathway which resulted in the identical anti-inflammatory effects.

When the muscle cells were exercised, the muscles specifically were directly rivaling the pro-inflammatory signal that was being induced by interferon gamma quite to the surprise of the team. The results indicate how beneficial human muscles that are grown in the lab could be in the discovery of novel mechanisms that occur in disease and ultimately finding possible treatments. There certainly are thoughts that regimes and optimal levels of exercise could be a tool in fighting chronic inflammation while at the same time deterring over stressing cells. The hope is by using the lab engineered muscle, researchers will be able to find out if their notions could be true.

To view the original scientific study click below

Exercise Mimetics and JAK Inhibition Attenuate IFN-induced Wasting in Engineered Human Skeletal Muscle

Links Between Diet, Illnesses and Gut Microbes

Research has shown that diets which are rich in plant based and healthy foods encourage gut microbes which are associated with a lower risk of a variety of common illnesses and also heart disease. Now a new study conducted by researchers at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, King’s College London, the University of Trento, Italy, Massachusetts General Hospital and start-up company ZOE has revealed the link between diet, illnesses and gut microbes.

The study using blood chemical profiling and metagenomics revealed a panel of 15 different gut microbes that are linked to reduced risks of type 2 diabetes, obesity and a variety of common illnesses.

The Personalized Responses to Dietary Composition Trial 1 (PREDICT 1) was used to analyze very detailed data in regards to the gut microbiomes of the participants in addition to their cardiometabolic blood biomarkers, and their eating habits. The data indicated strong associations between the participant’s diet, their microbiome and their health.

The team was able to identify microbes that negatively or positively correspond to bad and good to a person’s risk of particular illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Interestingly, the microbiome show a greater link to these particular markers instead of other factors one of which is genetics. Some of the microbes were shown to be novel and haven’t even been named yet.

The healthy type diet was defined as a diet which would contain a variety of foods that are associated with a reduced risk of diseases that are considered chronic. The team discovered that trial participants who consumed this type of diet or one that is plant rich, had a higher likelihood of having levels that are high in specific gut microbes that are good and linked to a lower risk of some of the common health condition. They also found biomarkers that are microbiome based for obesity in addition to markers for impaired tolerance of glucose and cardiovascular disease which are also factors for COVID risk. Their findings could be utilized for help in creating personalized diet plans that are designed for the specific goal of improving a person’s health.

The team’s research may help in modifying personalized composition of each person’s individual microbiome in an effort to optimize their health through selecting the foods that are best suited for each person’s unique and individual biology.

As an example, the team’s discoveries have revealed that a person having a microbiome that is rich in Blastocysitis species and Prevotella copri was linked to a person being able to maintain a blood level that is favorable following a meal. Some of the other species were associated to reduced post-meal blood fat levels and inflammation markers.

As noted by the team, when we are eating we’re not only nourishing our body, but also feeding trillions of the microbes that reside in our gut.

The team was surprised to see such clear and large groups of what is informally called bad and good microbes that emerged from their analysis. And they were additionally excited about the discovery that very little is known to microbiologists about the microbes that haven’t been named. This has become a large area of research that could open future new insights into how the gut microbiome could be used as a target that is modifiable in improving human health and metabolism.

To view the original scientific study click below

Microbiome connections with host metabolism and habitual diet from 1,098 deeply phenotyped individuals.