Drink Plenty of Water to Improve Your Heart Health

A new study has shown that by staying very hydrated throughout your lifetime, you could be reducing your chance of developing heart failure. The study has suggested that keeping great hydration can possibly prevent or at the very least slow down changes that reside in the heart that ultimately lead to heart failure.

Their findings show that people need to be more aware of the total amount of fluids they consume every day. And then drink more if not drinking enough to keep well hydrated.

Daily fluid recommendations are different indicating anywhere between 1.6 to 2.1 liters for females and two to three times that for males. Unfortunately, most people do not consume even the lowest ends of the ranges for men and women.

The precise measure of a person’s hydration status is serum sodium. When a person drinks less fluids, serum sodium concentration increases. When that happens the body will then attempt to preserve water which activates processes which are known to add to heart failure development.

We may think it’s natural that serum sodium and hydration would change from day to day dependent on how much a person drinks every day. However, concentration of serum sodium over long periods stay within a narrow range. This is most likely linked to constant consumption of fluids.

The particular study examined if concentration of serum sodium in middle age, as their measure of habits of hydration, will predict heart failure development 25 years later. The also looked at the connection linked between wall thickening of the heart’s left ventricle or main pumping chamber which is known as left ventricular hypertrophy which is known as a forerunner of the diagnosis of heat failure.

The study included 15,792 adults in the (ARIC) (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities) study. The participants ranged in age from 44 to 66 when recruited and then had an evaluation over 5 visits until the 70 to 90 years of age.

The participants were put into four groups which were built on their concentration of serum sodium at the study visits of one and two which were done in the first three years: 135-139.5, 140-141.5, 142-143.5 and 144-146 moll/l. For each of the serum sodium groups the team analyzed the amount of participants who did develop left ventricular hypertrophy and failure of the heart at their fifth visit which was at 25 years later.

Higher concentrations of serum sodium in middle age was linked to both left ventricular hypertrophy and failure of the heart at 25 years. Serum sodium did remain especially linked to left ventricular hypertrophy and failure of the heart even after adjusting for factors which are related to heart failure development such as blood pressure, age, blood cholesterol, kidney function, body mass index, sex, smoking status and blood glucose. Every 1 moll/l increase in the concentrations of serum sodium in middle age was linked to 1.20 and 1.11 odds increase in the development of left ventricular hypertrophy and failure of the heart respectively at 25 years.

The risks of both failure of the heart and left ventricular hypertrophy at ages 70 to 90 started increasing when serum sodium was more than 142 moll/l in middle age.

The results have suggested that great hydration throughout a person’s lifetime might decrease the risk of developing either disease. Also, the findings that serum sodium more than 142 moll/l did increase the risk of negative effects in the heart could help identify people who would see benefit from an evaluation of what their level of hydration is. This level is in the normal range and would not be marked as abnormal in laboratory test results might be useful for physicians when conducting regular physical exams to help identify patients whose normal intake of fluids should be looked at.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Drinking sufficient water could prevent heart failure

Make Your Brain Quicker With 8 Weeks of Meditation

According to a new study from Binghamton Univ., just practicing meditation studies for eight weeks can make a person’s brain quicker. People all around the globe look for mental clarity by practicing meditation inspired by and/or following the age old Buddhism practices.

While anecdotally, people who do meditate believe it helps recenter their thoughts, calm their minds and work through the noise to show them what matters most. However, scientifically proving the effects of practicing meditation for the human brain has shown to be somewhat tricky.

The recent study followed how practicing meditation for even just 2 months changed 10 student’s brain patterns in the Scholars Program at the University’s Thomas J. Water College of Eng. And Applied Science.

The beginnings of the research came from a chat between two Professors at the University. One is a longtime practitioner of meditation whose wife just happened to have a North American seat at the personal monastery of the Dalai Lama.

The couple developed many close friendships with some of the monks. They hung out and he even was given instruction from some of Dalai Lama’s teaching staff. He took classes, read a lot and also earned a certification of 3 years in Buddhist studies.

The other professor has studied biomedical image processing and brain mapping while working on her PhD and tracked people with Alzheimer’s Disease using MRI scans.

She was interested in research of the brain with the goal of seeing how people’s brains are functioning and also how a variety of diseases affect the brain. She has zero training in the medical field but she picked up all the background and knowledge from reading literature and speaking with experts.

The two professors had side by side offices and had a conversation on a particular day about their personal backgrounds. It was mentioned that one of the professors had been asked if he would teach a semester on meditation for the Scholar’s Program.

Meditation can have a transforming effect on the brain. It was suggested that perhaps even in a short amount of time they could possibly be able to quantify something through modern technology.

Grant funding was obtained and the collaboration began. At the beginning of the semester participants were given MRI scans of each of their brains. The students then learned just how to meditate and were told to practice 10 to 15 minutes 5 times per day and were asked to journal their practice. The class also included a syllabus with other lessons in regards to the cultural transforming and wellness application of meditation.

Binghamtom Univ. Scholars have to be high achievers who will do things they are not typically assigned to do and also do well with them. So the students do not need much prompting to practice a regular routine of meditation. In order to guarantee the reporting was objective, the students would report their experiences directly to the professor in regards to how often they practiced.

The final results showed that training in meditation showed a faster switching between the two general states of consciousness of the brain. One state is known as the default mode network that is active while the brain is not focused on the world outside but in a wakeful rest. This would be mind wandering or daydreaming states. The other state is the dorsal attention network that engages for tasks that demand attention.

The findings show that meditation will enhance the brain within and among these two states of the brain network. This indicates the effect medication has on switching fast between focusing attention and mind wandering and also when in the attentive state maintaining attention.

A term known as mental pliancy is used by the Tibetans when referring to the switching between the two brain states. The also believe the achievement of concentration is one of their fundamental self growth principles.

The two professors are still engaged in going through the data from the 2017 MRI scans so they still need to test other students of the Scholar Program. Due to the fact that autism and Alzheimer’s Disease may be due to problems with the dorsal attention network, they are in the process of making plans for continued research caused by issues with the dorsal attention network. They are in the process of putting together plans to continued research that could possibly use meditation to alleviate these problems.

They are considering an elderly population since the current study was young students. They want to gather a group of healthy older people and also another group who have mild cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer’s Disease. They want to see if meditation causes changes in the brain and can therefore enhance performance cognitively.

They are very convinced in regards to the basis of science in practicing meditation following this study, although once skeptical.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Longitudinal effects of meditation on brain resting-state functional connectivity

Flavonoids Could Slow Down Cognitive Decline

It has been discovered through a recent study that people who consume 6-00 milligrams or 0.02 ounces of flavonoids each day had approximately a 20% decreased risk of cognitive decline over those who only consumed 150 milligrams or 0.005 ounces each day.

A 3.5 ounce serving of strawberries contains approximately 180 milligrams or 0.006 flavanoids. An apple has about 113 milligrams or 0.003 ounces of flavonoids the study found.

Flavonoids are compounds in a variety of series that have strong antioxidant capabilities and are mostly found in vegetables and fruits.

Damages to the brain’s blood supply are important contributors to cognitive decline.. The anti-inflammatory characteristics of flavonoids can help protect the brain’s blood supply which will therefore slow down cognitive decline. Cognitive decline can can result in diseases such as Alzheimer’s’ and dementia.

The research was conducted over 25 years and had approximately 75,000 participants. At the start of the study the average age was 50 and the participants are now in their 80’s and 70s. Brain function begins to decline when we reach our 20’s and 30’s, However, it usually isn’t noticed until the age of 70. Consuming foods which are abundant in flavonoids could possible make this downward trend less steep.

The participant’s diet was tracked over 20 years. The the participants answer a particular questionnaire many times over 4 years to discover cognitive decline. Each participant’s cognitive decline was figured with six no or yes questions such as having trouble remembering a short list of things similar to a shopping list. Or having trouble with remembering things one second to the next one.

Since the study was over decades, the results are considered more valid than previous studies that are over just a couple of years.

Cognitive decline is something that happens slowly so when studying it researchers can pick up even subtle changes over a long place in time.

The team says there isn’t a specified number of flavonoids a person should consume daily and they don’t need to be measured or counted. And consuming flaovnoids plays just a small role in possibly slowing down the cognitive decline. People also need to live with good health in mind which includes not smoking and physical activity on a regular basis.

The Mediterranean Diet is a diet that shows effective in preserving cognitive decline because many of the food in this diet have lots of flavonoids. Nutrition has a key role in cognitive decline and choices that are made today in regards to the foods we consume do have a large role in life for protecting our brain.

Fruits that are high in flavonoids include blueberries, strawberries, oranges. Vegetable that are high in flavonoids include celery and peppers.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Long-term Dietary Flavonoid Intake and Subjective Cognitive Decline in US Men and Women

How Metabolism Changes With Age

It is easy to remember the time when you could eat just about anything and not see weight gain. However, a recent study has suggested that your metabolism which is the rate your body burns calories, in reality peaks much earlier than has been thought and that its decline is later than is thought.

As people age, a lot of physiological changes will occur in the different phases of a life such as puberty and menopause. What the team has found to be odd, is the timing of the metabolic stages of life don’t seem to match the markers we link to growing up and aging.

The two teams consisted of international scientists who looked at average calories that were burned by over 6,600 people who went along their day-to-day lives. The ages ranged from just one week to age 95 and the participants were from 29 different countries.

Earlier studies that were this large measured the amount of energy the body utilizes for its basic functions that are vital to living such as digesting, breathing and pumping blood. However, these basic functions only account for 50% to 70% of calories that are burned every day. These are things like walking your dog, sweating at the gym, dish washing and even fidgeting and thinking.

In order to find a number for a total of expenditures daily, the team looked at the “doubly labeled water” method. This is a urine test which involves a person drinking water in which the oxygen and hydrogen contained in the molecules in the water have been changed to heavy forms that are natural and then measures the rate at which they are flushed out.

Researchers have used this method which is considered a gold standard for daily energy expenditure measures throughout a normal day-to-day life outside a lab, to measure the human energy expenditures in people since the 1980’s. However, earlier studies were limited in scope and size mostly due to their cost. In order to overcome this limitation, a variety of labs shared their own data in one single database in order to seek out truths that were hidden or just hinted at in earlier studies. Analyzing and pooling energy expenditures throughout the total lifespan showed some surprises.

There are people who believe that in their teens and even 20’s as they age the potential of calorie burning will hit its peak. However, the research has shown that pound for pound, infants were the ones who showed the highest metabolic rates of all the ages.

During the first 12 months of life, energy needs to shoot up. By an infants first birthday, they are burning calories at a 50% faster rate for the size of their bodies than adults. And that isn’t due to the fact that babies are tripling in the first year their birth rate. Infants grow rapidly which does account for much of this effect. But even after it is controlled for, their expenditures of energy are inclined to be higher than what would be expected for the size of their body. Research into better understanding the metabolism of infants is needed. The team wants to know what drives this high expenditure of energy.

Following the first surge in infancy, people’s metabolism slows down by approximately 3% every year until the 20’s when it will level into a new normal. Interestingly, the spurts of growth in adolescence did not bring about an increase in calories needed daily after the team assessed body size. And another interestingly surprise…metabolism for people were the most stable from ages in their 20s to aging up to their 50s. And calories for women who where pregnant did not grow anymore than what was expected. The findings have suggested that there are other factors which are behind the spread at middle age.

The data has suggested that people’s metabolism doesn’t really begin to decline until after 60. And this slowdown is very gradual at only 0.7% per year. However, someone who is in their 90s requires 26% less calories every day than a person in midlife.

Partly to blame is muscle mass loss as we age. Muscle will burn more calories than fat will. But that isn’t the whole picture. The team took decreasing muscle mass into consideration. After age 60, people’s cells will slow down. And the patterns still held when a variety of activity levels were also part of the consideration.

With aging going hand in hand with a variety of physiological changes it’s been hard to analyze what does drive the change in expenditure of energy. However, the recent research does support the thought that it is more than relation to age than in body composition or lifestyle.

The new study does show the work that cells do will change throughout the lifespan of a person in ways not fully appreciated earlier. However, the amount of data sets similar to the ones that were collaborated on helped the team answer questions they couldn’t previously address.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Daily energy expenditure through the human life course

Increased Life Expectancy with Higher Blood Levels of Omega-3

A team of scientists has found that levels of Omega 3 fatty acids in blood erythrocyes are excellent indicators of mortality risk. A long-term group study was utilized for the study data, the Framingham Offspring Cohort. This cohort has been observing the residents living in the Massachusetts town since 1971. They concluded that by having higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids in their blood as a result of regularly adding oily fish to their diet, there was an increase in life expectancy by close to five years.

Omega 3 fatty acids found in the blood are as acceptable as a mortality predictor from any cause such as smoking. This is according to a study which involved the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute) along with the Fatty Acid Research Institute in the U.S. and also a variety of universities in Canada and the U.S.

In contrast, those people who smoke regularly lose 4.7 years of their expectancy of their life which is the same as a person would gain if they had increased levels of omega 3 fatty acids in their blood.

The researchers looked at data of blood fatty acids in 2,240 people over age 65 who were watched over about eleven years. The researcher’s goal was to confirm which fatty acids would function as great mortality predictors beyond factors that were already known. The findings were that four types of fatty acids which included omega 3, satisfied the role. It was interesting to observe that two of the fatty acids were saturated fatty acids which are typically linked to cardiovascular risk. However, in this study they indicated a longer life expectancy.

The findings might contribute to dietary recommendations for individual requirements found in the blood for a variety of fatty acids. The research also indicated that even small diet changes in a healthy direction may have an effect more powerful that what had been thought. And it is never too early or too late to think about and making these changes.

The team’s next goal is to analyze in a small population group the same indicators of European descent to see if the results that can be obtained outside the U.S. The AHA (American Heart Association) has recommended consuming oily seafood such as anchovies, salmon and sardines two times per week due to their omega 3 acid health benefits. This is a conservative recommendation and some people may need to consume more.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Using an erythrocyte fatty acid fingerprint to predict risk of all-cause mortality: the Framingham Offspring Cohort

Vitamin K Can Have a Positive Effect on Your Cardiovascular Health

Research from the New Edith Cowan Univ. has shown that people who consume a diet high in Vitamin K have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 34%. The study was done over a 23-year time frame involving data from over 50,000 participants. The Danish Diet, Cancer and Health study examined the results from people consuming foods that are high in vitamin K.

Vitamin K consists of two types. Vitamin K1 is basically from vegetable oils and green leafy vegetables. Vitamin K2 comes primarily from eggs, meat and fermented foods which include cheese.

The results from the study indicated participants that had the highest consumption of vitamin K1 were less likely to be hospitalized by 21% due to cardiovascular disease. This included all types of heart disease relating to atherosclerosis, and peripheral artery disease showed 34% lower. The risk of being hospitalized by the consumption of high levels of vitamin K2 was much lower, at 14%.

Currently there is not much data on the content of vitamin K2 in foods. Vitamin K2 consists of 10 different forms in food, which all can act differently and be absorbed in our bodies. This will be the next phase of the study and will require improving and developing databases on the content foods have of vitamin K2 in them.

The current guidelines for consuming vitamin K are normally based on the level of vitamin K a person can consume to make sure their blood can coagulate. But the current research suggests that consuming more of vitamin K than the guidelines show can help protect against diseases such as atherosclerosis. Vitamin K decreases the calcium buildup in the body where the major arteries are that can lead to vascular calcification. The study cited that more research will need to be done to completely understand the process.

The study notes how important the effects of vitamin K are in relation to strokes, heart attacks and peripheral artery disease. Heart disease is a leading cause of death and it is still not fully understood how different vitamins in food affects the risk of getting it. But this study does shed some light on the importance of a healthy diet and consuming foods high in vitamin K has on preventing it.

We suggest taking a Vitamin K supplement every day that includes both K1 and K2. The later is available in two different forms Vitamin K2 MK4 and Vitamin K2 MK7. It takes a much lower dose of MK7 so it is generally more common in supplements. The best Vitamin K supplement will include K1, K2 MK4 and K2 MK7. Second choice would be to take K1 and K2 MK7.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Vitamin K Intake and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in the Danish Diet Cancer and Health Study

Boost Longevity with a Regular Sleep Pattern

Research has shown that having a regular sleep pattern can help you live longer according to recent article published in Frontiers in Ageing Neuroscience. We all know sleep is necessary to maintain good physical and mental health. Sleep patterns change as we age which can affect a person’s health. The researchers wanted to find out if there was a difference in health levels according to a person’s sleep patterns compared to their age. Therefore, the study participants were divided into three age groups. The first group was aged between 20-30, another between 60-70 and the last group were older individuals between 85 and 105.

The participants were given a questionnaire to find out their sleep habit characteristics and spent one night in a sleep study to diagnose any sleep pattern disorders. Blood tests were given to keep track of the participants cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose levels. After 23 weeks the participants were tested again and spent another night in the sleep study and kept a sleep journal for one week. Because of limitations of some of the older individuals, some of the participants only participated in one night of the sleep study.

The group of the oldest individuals had strict regular sleep-wake schedules and also had higher HDL-cholesterol and lower triglyceride levels than the group of older adults. The study revealed new data regarding specific sleep patterns in the oldest group. The maintenance of their slow wave sleep taken together with the favorable lipid levels, contribute with evidence to just how important sleep and lipid metabolism regulation are to human longevity.

The results suggest that having regular sleep patterns may reduce the risk of certain diseases. Disruption of a sleep pattern for an extended period of time can be detrimental to a person’s health and longevity. A regular sleep pattern maintains favorable lipid profiles which are important. If a person is always trying to catch up on their sleep, these changes affect lipid metabolism and consequently can lead to a shorter lifespan.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Human longevity is associated with regular sleep patterns, maintenance of slow wave sleep, and favorable lipid profile

Age Related Memory Loss Reverse In Mice

Cambridge and Leeds scientists have now recently reversed memory loss that is age related in mice. This discovery might lead to new treatment developments in an effort to prevent loss of memory as people age.

The research team has shown that changes in the brain’s extracellular matrix which is scaffolding that surrounds nerve cells, leads to memory as we age. However, it is possible to reverse them by using gene treatments.

New evidence has come out in regards to the aspect of PNNs (Perineuronal nets) in neuroplasticity which is the brain’s ability to adapt and learn and to also form memories. PNNs are cartilage like structures that mostly surround the inhibitory brain’s neurons. The main function of PNNs is to control the plasticity level in the brain. They show up in humans at about 5 years old. They turn off the segment of enhanced plasticity which during the brain’s connections are optimized. Then, the plasticity is partly turned off which makes the brain less plastic but more efficient.

PNNs have compounds which are called chondroitin sulphates. Many of these sulphates such as chondroitin 4-sulphate inhibit network actions and inhibiting neureoplasticity. Others akin to chondroitin 6-sulphate develop neuroplasticity. During the aging process the rest of these chondroitin sulphates change and as levels of some of them decrease, so does the ability to form memory changes that are new which leads to memory decline related to aging.

The team at the Univ. of Cambridge and the Univ. of Leeds set out to investigate if changing the chondroitin sulphate composition of these PNNs could restore neuroplasticity and reduce memory deficits that are age related.

In order to do this, they looked at mice who were 20 months old which is considered to be old for mice. Using a group of tests revealed the mice showed memory deficits when compared to mice that were six months old.

One test consisted of observing whether mice could recognize an object. They were then placed at the beginning of a maze that was Y-shaped and were left to explore 2 objects that were identical at the end of two arms. Following a brief period the mice were once again placed back in the maze however, this time one of the arms contained a new object and the other was a copy of the same object in the first case. The team measured how much time the mice spent exploring the objects to see if it could remember the object from the earlier test. The mice who were older were less likely to remember the original object.

The scientists treated the mice who were aging with a viral vector, which is a virus that can reconstitute the amount of the 6-sulphate chondroitin sulphates to the PNNs. They discovered that this effectively restored the memory in the mice who were older to levels that were similar to that which was seen in mice who were younger.

They observed results that were remarkable when the aging mice were treated with this treatment. The ability to learn and the memory in the mice who were older had levels restored to that which had not been seen when they were much younger mice.

In an effort to study the role of chondroitin 6-sulphate in loss of memory, the team bred mice which were genetically manipulated so that they could only produce low amounts of the compound to imitate the changes that occur with aging. At 11 weeks even the mice indicated premature loss of memory. However, by increasing the levels of the sulphate through using viral vector it restored their plasticity ad memory to levels that were similar to the healthy mice.

What is particularly exciting about this discovery is that although the research was done on mice, the identical mechanism should operate in people. The structures and molecules of the human brain are similar to those in mice. This suggests the possibility that humans could be prevented from memory loss development with aging.

The scientists have already found a potential drug which has been licensed for humans. It can be taken orally and works by inhibiting the formation of PNNs. When this drug was given to the mice and also rats it can restore aging related memory loss and also showed improvement recovery to injuries of the spinal cord. The team is researching if it could help reduce loss of memory in animals which have Alzheimer’s Disease.

This approach is being increasingly used to treat neurological conditions in humans.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Chondroitin 6-sulphate is required for neuroplasticity and memory in ageing

Taking Vacations Could Increase Your Lifespan

In a study from the European Society of Cardiology, research has suggested that if a person takes 3 weeks of vacation days it may help you live longer. They looked at data from a long term study of 40 years to determine if living a healthy life could help a person’s risk of heart disease. A healthy life was determined by eating a balanced diet, not smoking, and a routine of aerobic activity. But in the recent study they looked at the data and found out that stress was the most influential indicator of longevity.

The original study in 1974 consisted of 1,222 adult men in their middle ages that were divided into 2 groups. The intervention group was given written and oral instructions on living a healthy life. During the study they received counseling on nutrition, help to stop smoking and given an exercise routine. They were put on medicine, if needed, to maintain normal blood pressure or cholesterol levels. The other group were given no intervention help at all.

The groups were followed for 5 years. The results were that the intervention group had a reduction in the risk of heart disease by 46%. But, surprisingly, after checking this group at 15 years their rate had decreased to 37% based on whether or not they had taken fewer and shorter vacation days.

The determination that a healthy lifestyle can compensate for working hard and not taking vacation time does not pan out. The study showed that vacations can relieve stress, thereby increasing a person’s lifespan. Chronic stress can exacerbate any unhealthy problems like obesity, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, hair and skin problems and gastrointestinal discomfort. More than 6 out of 10 people had significant stress at work and have been negatively impacted by it. They had tendencies to be quick to anger and snap at loved ones which increased tension and created mood imbalances.

In the US when an employee gets paid time off, it is often used for childcare coverage, doctors appointments or keeping up with errands instead of vacation time. Vacations are considered a luxury and not essential, therefore, causing a lot of people not to work them into their life. But, from this study, it is clear that a vacation can be beneficial to a person’s health and lifespan.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Take a vacation – it could prolong your life

For Pain Relief Reduce Omega-6 and Increase Omega-3

A research team at UT Health San Antonio has stated that its has found the link between the Western Diet that tends to be one that is high in fats and chronic pain. The groundbreaking study has been 10 years in the making, and it could ultimately affect a variety of illnesses and may even have an impact on the opioid epidemic in this country.

The study has noted that in particular dietary choices for people with autoimmune disorders like lupus, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases have been studied for years for what their effect might have on leading to these diseases. Studying a diet high in Omega 6 fats in and of itself and their connection to inflammation and pain is a novel approach being looked at by the UT researchers.

According to the lead researcher, the degree of inflammation and pain can determined by looking at the amount of Omega 6 fatty acids in a person’s body. This could result in curing a particular pain amounting to a new look at the grocery store rather than a pill.

By enriching the diet with healthy omega-3 lipids, pain can be relieved due to reduction of neuropathy and inflammation. The thinking is it could have a broad effect.

The team’s theory was lab tested on mice which all had diabetic neuropathy. The affected mice received reduced Omega-6 lipids through their diet, and in addition an increase in the healthier Omega-3 lipids. The mice showed amazing relief just from their change in diet. Both Omega-3’s and Omega 6’s are healthy fats however, the balance should lean more towards Omega-3’s than the typical Western diet.

People who consume more of the unhealthier Omega-6 lipids such as are found in soy bean oil, corn oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, canola oil, and most other vegetable oils as well as meat from grain fed animals have more pain. Those are the people who require more analgesic drugs and painkillers due to the level of their pain.

At the grocery store, it is suggested that people choose more Omega-3 foods such as broccoli, flax seed, salmon, sardines, spinach, chia seeds and mango’s. These food items have higher Omega-3’s as compared to their level of Omega-6’s. Also olive oil is good because it contains mostly mono-saturated fats and has no significant effect on the balance of either type of polyunsaturated fat.

Quite the opposite exists with processed foods such as onion rings, potato chips, cookies, french fries, cakes, and other foods that are deep fried or contain unhealthy vegetable oils. Meat from grain fed animals contain high levels of arachidonic acid which is an omega-6 fatty acid that is unusually powerful at causing inflammation when it is consumed.

There are far reaching effects that come from the study that could affect people who suffer from diabetic neuropathy by literally curing their disease just by having their diet changed. In this country the opioid addiction crisis could also be decreased through using adjustments to diets rather than analgesics.

We rely on lots of medications in our society, but there are other possibilities shown by this study.
A simple way to potentially ease a person’s pain is by changing their diet which may help avoid some medications just be treating their pain with a healthier Omega 3 rich diet.

To view the original scientific study click below:
High Fat Western Diet Associated Chronic Pain Study