Pancreatic Beta Cells Made From Stem Cells

Researchers have made pioneering efforts to fully use the function of pancreatic cells that have been produced from stem cells. The new study has shown that stem cells can form other cells that very closely copy normal pancreatic islets in both function and structure.

Pancreatic beta cells make the vital hormone insulin. One result of these cells being destroyed is type 1 diabetes. This means patients need to replace the lost insulin with many injections on a daily basis.

Secretion of insulin can be restored in people by transplanting beta cells that have been isolated from the pancreas of an organ donor that is brain dead. However, the treatment has not been broadly introduced as it takes at last two donors to cure one diabetic.

Producing functional beta cells derived from stem cells has been attempted many times in the hope of making this treatment more common. But the beta cells that have been produced have been immature so far and the secretion of insulin is not regulated well. This could be part of the reason no breakthroughs have been made on immature cells from any of the clinical trials in the U.S.

One research group have been carrying out developing efforts to optimize pancreatic cell functionality from stem cells.

In the study, secretion of insulin was regulated normally in cells and glucose levels responded. The changes were even better than the pancreatic islets that were used as controls from organ donors.

The team demonstrated the function of stem cell derived beta cells in both mice and culture studies. In the mice studies the team showed that stem cell derived beta cells that were transplanted started to effectively manage the glucose metabolism of the mice.

Blood glucose levels are higher in mice than in people, about 8-10 millimolar. After the cells were transplanted the level decreased to 4-5 millimolar which is seen in humans. It remained at this level which proved that the stem cell derived transplanted cells were able to regulate blood glucose levels in the mice.

The survey of the beta cell function is the most comprehensive in the field. In addition to secretion of insulin, the team investigated the function of systems that regulate the secretion including ion channels and metabolism, also connecting their findings to gene expression which occurred during development.

The study helps further improve the production of stem cell islets. This will make it easier to use them in cell therapies and disease modeling.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Functional, metabolic and transcriptional maturation of human pancreatic islets derived from stem cells

The Myth That Drinking Alcohol Decreases Cardiovascular Disease

The UK’s recommended consumption of alcohol is 14 units or less per week. This is the weekly equivalent of 6 pints of average-strength beer or 10 small glasses of low-strength wine. New research shows that even this amount may increase cardiovascular issues such as heart and cerebrovascular disease.

Researchers examined hospitalizations of 333,259 people relating to cardiovascular occurrences. These people were between the ages of 40 and 69 and all drank alcohol according to data from the study at the UK Biobank. The participants provided information as to their total weekly consumption of alcohol and the specific kinds of alcohol which included wine, spirits and beer.

Their alcohol intake was accessed for 7 years and included any occurrences where they were hospitalized due to cardiovascular events. Anyone that had a past cardiovascular event was deleted from the team’s analysis. Also excluded were people who were former drinkers or who did not complete the information on their alcohol consumption.

The research team discovered that drinking 14 units or less of alcohol per week was the limit. Every time the participants added 1.5 pints of beer at 4% strength then their risk of a cardiovascular event increased by 23%.

According to the lead author, the “J shaped curve” of cardiovascular disease related to alcohol consumption suggesting health benefits from moderate and low consumption of alcohol is the largest myth since it was told that smoking was good for us. The team argues that there are biases in the epidemiological evidence of this. Biases which are embedded in this evidence will mask or will underestimate the dangers linked with the consumption of alcohol. When these biases are taken into consideration, the adverse effects of low level consumption are shown.

These biases use as a reference group non-drinkers, when many will not drink due to poor health. Other biases include the combining all beverage types when determining the intake of alcohol for a population study. Also people who drink wine have a lower risk of coronary artery disease which potentially distorts the overall cardiovascular risk.

The study showed that those who drank spirits, cider and beer in particular, even those who consumed under 14 units per week showed an increase risk of hospitalization for a cardiovascular event involving the blood vessels or the heart.

We hear about wine drinkers having a lower risk of coronary artery disease than non-drinkers, however the data shows their risk of other cardiovascular events does not decrease.

In future research, avoiding these biases would alleviate the current confusion and possibly lead to guideline strengthening with the current guidance on alcohol reduced.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Alcohol – The myth of cardiovascular protection

Stem Cell Strategy for Heart Repair

Researchers are now using stem cell based therapies to repair the heart after an injury such as cardiac ischemia or heart attack. Such injuries limit the ability of the heart to pump producing lower oxygen blood levels. That makes it harder for a person to perform daily activities.

The new therapy benefits heart repair by replacing heart tissue that has died with new and functional tissue using stem cells. In previous therapies less than 1% of the stem cells lived beyond transplantation. This is due to their inability to survive in the ischemic environment with its metabolic demands.

From mouse models the research has shown that this problem can be remedied by the reintroduction of a protein called LIN28. This protein is found to be extremely active in a developing heart and can function under low oxygen conditions. Postnatally this appears to slow down and the low oxygen resilience is lost.

The team discovered that by introducing LIN28 to an adult heart the cardiac stem cells express the metabolic qualities of young developing cells. This will greatly improve cardiac stem cells’ chance of survival by providing more metabolic flexibility. It’s almost like reverse aging was in process.

The adult heart is very sensitive to a decrease in the availability of oxygen due to changes in cellular metabolism. This suggests that these characteristics in the heart help determine the affect post transplantation will have on stem cells.

The team wanted to determine if metabolic sensors that are delivered to the developing heart could impart more metabolic flexibility to CTSC’s (cardiac tissue derived stem like cells). These are present in neonatal and adult heart tissue but only deliver LIN28 to a developing heart. In the adult tissue of the heart, CTSC’s possess the potential to regenerate and are generally silent.

The team reintroduced LIN28 in adult mice CTSC’s in vitro, and then analyzed the outcomes on pathway signaling. This is part of cellular growth, metabolism, and regeneration. They discovered that LIN28 expression did produce a great regenerative response. This changed the CTSC’s to promote survival and growth in response to oxidative stress. It resulted in notable improvements in cardiac function and structure.

LIN28 modified energy production in CTSC’s which led to the secretion of many factors that are advantageous for the survival of heart cells. The cells took on a more youthful composition.

The team plans to translate their findings into larger animals and to find out if cardiac stem cells obtained from humans can be reprogrammed by LIN28. The studies have significant value in determining how stem cell therapy for heart disease is approached.

To view the original scientific study click below:
LIN28a induced metabolic and redox regulation promotes cardiac cell survival in the heart after ischemic injury

Sit and Stand From Floor to Maintain Strength and Vitality

How hard is it for you to get up from sitting on the floor? A study done in 2014 found that the ease of standing from sitting on the floor can be a significant predictor of longevity in older adults. More recent research in May 2020 backs up the findings.

The study participant’s ranged in age from 51 to 80. In the follow-up period after the study, those who found standing from a sitting position on the floor easiest had a substantially longer life expectancy. A person’s ease of standing from a sitting position is a reflection of overall health and fitness.

As we age our joints and muscles tend to get stiff. Spending some time sitting on the floor and then standing up everyday can lead to better balance, coordination and stability. It will move the joints and muscles and strengthen a person’s core and legs. When standing, the core of a person’s body is engaged to pull itself up. Doing this multiple times will increase balance and stability and decrease risk of falls.

The procedure of standing is similar to an exercise squat. Therefore, doing this on a daily basis is essentially getting the same low body exercise benefit as a squat. The joints and body parts such as hips, knees, feet, shoulders, wrists and elbows and all used, thus increasing mobility.

Sitting on the floor also encourages a person to stay more upright instead of slouching or hunching over. It is important to sit correctly so as to not put extra strain on vertebrae or spinal discs. Always sit with your torso straight and tall and gently pull your shoulder blades together and down. You can also use a towel or small pillow to ease any discomfort on the tailbone. This will also put your pelvis and spine in better alignment.

You can sit down cross-legged, legs straight out in front of you or with your feet flat and knees bent. These are all good ways to sit on the floor. Before you sit on the floor visualize doing it. Then when you are ready to stand visualize it again. This will help with the process and is a good practice to get into when starting to sit and stand everyday.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Ability to sit and rise from the floor as a predictor of all-cause mortality

Mediterranean Diet Shown to Benefit Older Adults

A new study has shown a lower mortality rate in adults aged over 65 can be achieved by adhering to a Mediterranean diet. This analysis was determined from the InCHIANTI project based in Tuscany, Italy. Over a 20-year period a total of 642 women, of which 56% were aged 65 or older participated.

The study team developed a list of dietary biomarkers from the different foods in the Mediterranean diet and evaluated any link they had with mortality.

The team used the participant’s urine to note the levels of polyphenols and resveratrol metaboites. They also noted the levels of selenium, carotenoids, fatty acids and vitamin B12 in plasma and the proportion of saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids. Through the use of a predictive model, evaluations were made linking a Mediterranean diet and the FFQ (food-frequency questionnaire) with mortality.

There were 425 participant deaths during the monitoring of 20 years, of which 139 were from cardiovascular diseases and 89 were due to cancer-related causes. After the models were analyzed, the score of the Mediterranean diet using the biomarkers was inversely linked with all causes of death.

The study shows the use of dietary biomarkers can be used to help improve nutrition and create an assessment for people who are older.

The team confirms that consuming a Mediterranean diet using an index of dietary biomarkers can be linked with long term mortality in older aged adults. It supports using biomarkers in monitoring evaluations to look at the health benefits linked to the Mediterranean diet.

The conclusions are based on an analysis of dietary biomarkers in urine and plasma and can contribute to the individualized assessment of food for older people.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Adherence to the Mediterranean diet assessed by a novel dietary biomarker score and mortality in older adults: the InCHIANTI cohort study

Healthiest Time to Go To Bed

In a recent study it was discovered that going to bed and to sleep between 10 pm and 11 pm lowers the risk of developing heart disease when compared to other times of the night.

A person’s circadian rhythm helps regulate mental and physical functioning. This internal body clock works best when there is a routine bedtime. The study indicates that the optimum time to go to bed is at a specific point in the body’s 24-hour cycle. Many people go to bed when they feel tired and can fall asleep. But this study has shown that going to bed between 10 pm and 11 pm is optimum. Falling asleep after midnight showed a 25% higher risk of cardiovascular health problems while going to bed earlier than 10 pm results in a 24% increase. The highest risk is after midnight because it may reduce the chances of seeing morning light which will reset the body’s internal clock.

Studies have shown that people who sleep poorly for any reason will live a shorter life. To help a person fall asleep a consistent bedtime routine in addition to eating at proper times and exercising is recommended. Timing of sleep can also be a contributor to good heart health and that if you go to sleep too late or too early it will be detrimental to heart health.

The study included more the 88,000 people between the ages of 43 and 79 who collected data on their wake up time and bedtime over a 7-day period using an accelerometer. They also completed lifestyle, health, demographic, and physical assessments.

These participants were tracked over a 5 to 7 year period which included diagnoses of health disease such as heart failure, heart attack, stroke, chronic ischemic heart disease and transient ischemic attack.

They found that 3% of the participants later developed cardiovascular disease. The highest incidence was in those who went to bedtime at midnight or later and lowest in those who went to bed between 10 pm and 11 pm.

Those participants who went to sleep at midnight or later showed a 25% higher risk of heart disease. The risk was 12% greater when going to sleep between 11 pm and 11:59 pm. And a 24% increase in heart disease going to sleep before 10 pm.

The link between sleep time and cardiovascular risk was highest among women. This may be from the endocrine system responding to a change in circadian rhythm. A factor could be the participants age since women’s cardiovascular risk will increase post menopause.

Timing seems to be more important than quantity. People who sleep less than 7 hours are at a higher risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

This study shows increasing evidence indicating that what time we sleep and how we sleep may be an important factor contributing to heart heath. Adverse cardiovascular health effects may occur when our schedule for sleep is misaligned with our circadian rhythm on a regular basis. When busy schedules interfere with the a person’s bedtime adverse health conditions can occur.

The team notes that the 10 pm to 11 pm sleep window which was identified in this study may not apply to all people. Additional research is needed.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Accelerometer-derived sleep onset timing and cardiovascular disease incidence: a UK Biobank cohort study

Goji Berries May Provide Protection Against Age Related Loss of Vision

A new small randomized trial has shown that consuming a small amount of dried goji berries on a regular basis may help delay or prevent developing age related macular degeneration or AMD. It is the leading cause of loss of vision in the older population and is estimated to affect over 1 million in the U.S. and 170 million throughout the world. It is a condition that affects the central field of vision and the ability to recognize faces or read.

In this study, healthy participants between the ages of 45 to 65 ate 27 grams or about one ounce of goji berries 5 times per week for a period of 90 days. The team found this increased the density of protective pigments in their eyes. In contrast, 14 study participants who consumed a commercial supplement throughout the same period did not show any increase.

The particular pigments that increased in the group who consumed the goji berries were zeaxanthin and lutein. These are known to provide antioxidant protection and filter out blue light that is harmful. Both pigments help protect the eyes while we age. They are like sunscreen for the eyes. The higher these pigments are in the retina, the more protection is provided.

The study discovered that even in normal healthy eyes, zeaxanthin and lutein can be increased with a small serving of goji berries eaten daily.

Goji berries are a fruit that comes from shrubby bushes found in Northwest China. The dried goji berries are a popular ingredient in Chinese soups and are also popular as a herbal tea. They are close to raisins when consumed as a snack.

Bioactive compounds were researched in goji berries and it was found they contain high levels of zeaxanthin and lutein. The zeaxanthin form in goji berries is a highly bioavailable form meaning it is easily absorbed in the digestive system so the body is able to use it.

Currently, the treatments for intermediate stages of AMD include using AREDS which are special dietary supplements that contain vitamins E, C copper, lutein and zeaxanthin. There isn’t any known therapy at this time that has been shown to help with early stages of AMD.

The cause of AMD is multifactorial and complex and involves a mix of genetic risks, diet, smoking, sun exposure and age related changes. Early stages do not have symptoms, however it can be detected by a physician along with other problems in a regular and comprehensive eye examination.

The study shows that goji berries which are a natural food source can improve macular pigments of healthy people beyond the intake of high doses of nutritional supplements.

The next part of the study is to examine goji berries in people with early stage AMD. The results of the current study are promising, however the team notes that the study was small and additional research is required.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Goji Berry Intake Increases Macular Pigment Optical Density in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Pilot Trial

Stem Cell Therapy for Heart Health

The American Heart Association has presented research that stem cell therapy can help people that have chronic, high-risk heart failure reduce future occurrences.

When the heart is unable to pump blood adequately to satisfy the body of oxygen and nutrients, heart failure can occur. This study was conducted to examine how injecting stem cells into the heart could treat inflammation and reduce chronic heart failure. The potential of this procedure is important on changing the way treatment for heart failure is administered.

The study addresses the aspects of heart failure like inflammation, which are greatly untreated. Currently, the treatments are device therapy development and pharmaceutical. These new findings indicate stem cell therapy could be used in addition to standard guideline therapies.

The study consisted of 537 adult participants that were divided into 2 groups. All of the participants had a history of heart failure and also exhibited reduced ejection fraction. This is when the heart’s left side, which is the main pumping chamber is weakened.

Half of the group were randomly chosen to receive an injection of 150 million stem cells directly into the heart using a catheter. The rest of the group received a scripted procedure that was fake. The participants were then monitored for about 30 months.

The main focus was to see if any of the stem cell recipients had to be admitted to the hospital for worsening heart failure treatment. They also tracked to see whether or not any of the participants had a stroke, heart attack or had died. They were measured for levels of high-sensitivity CRP (c-reactive protein) which is an indication of inflammation found in the blood.

And that while hospitalizations did not decrease other significant findings did occur. The participants that had the stem cell injection showed a 65% reduction in strokes and non-fatal heart attacks. Of those that had high levels of inflammation they showed 79% less to have a stroke or non-fatal heart attack and 80% less cardiac death.

It was determined that the stem cell injection treatment was effective in addition to the current standard treatments for heart failure. The stem cells also helped blood vessels in the body but acted primarily in the heart. This is the first time that these cells could be linked to a cause and effect support to heart failure.

Further research is warranted to understand the progression of heart failure and how the stem cell injections can affect it.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Stem cell therapy for heart failure reduced major CV events and death, not hospitalization

Using Space to Leverage Stem Cell Medicine and Science

Zero gravity conditions found in space may be the secret to mass producing stem cells with life saving advances here on earth.

Stem cells tend to be more productive in microgravity conditions. They could be produced by biomanufacturing biomaterials like microbes and substances to be used in clinical, preclinical and therapeutic applications.

Researchers have found that microgravity and spaceflight are desirable places for biomanufacturing. This is due to the fact that a variety of special properties can be sent to biological processes and tissues. This may help produce cells and other products in a method that can’t be done on earth.

The last 10 years have shown exceptional progress in regenerative medicine research in space technologies which are creating new avenues to commercialize and access space.

More than fifty possible business opportunities for conducting biomanufacturing could be available in space. The three most promising were biofabrication, disease modeling, and products derived from stem cells.

Biofabrication uses manufacturing processes in order to produce materials like organs and tissues. Printing in the form of 3D is one of the basic biofabrication technologies.

A significant issue with the production of these materials on earth involve gravity-induced density. This makes it difficult for cells to expand and grow. With the absence of density of gravity in space, researchers hope they can use printing in the form of 3D to print unique products and shapes in a manner that can’t be done of earth.

Disease modeling is used to study diseases and potential treatments by copying full function structures using organoids, stem cells or other tissues.

Researchers have discovered that exposing the body to low gravity conditions for an extensive period of time can accelerate aging and bone loss. Through the development of disease models, researchers are able to understand the mechanisms of disease progression and aging,

This work not only helps astronauts, but can lead to manufacturing skeletal muscle or bone constructs. These can then be used for diseases such as osteoporosis and similar varieties of muscle wasting in the acceleration of bone aging that happen on earth.

The third avenue is stem cell production in relation to understanding how their fundamental components are affected by microgravity. It is important to discover some of the properties that lead to stem cell renewal and differentiation.

Through understanding how stem cells are affected in spaceflight it can possibly lead to improved manufacturing of stem cells in low gravity. Plans are in process with NASA and a private contractor to send stem cells into space next year. This will determine whether it is possible to produce them in large quantities in an environment that is low gravity.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Biomanufacturing in low Earth orbit for regenerative medicine

Young Blood Helps Rejuvenate Aged Muscles in Mice

As we age our muscles become weaker and smaller and not able to heal as well after an injury. Researchers in a new study have made an important discovery to keep muscles in mice youthful. This discovery could advance the regeneration of muscle therapies for the older population.

The study shows the pattern of circulating extracellular vesicles or EVs. They deliver instructions genetically such as mRNA needed to make the longevity protein Klotho to the cells in muscles. Impaired muscle repair and loss of function of muscles in older mice can be due to older EV’s. They send less mRNA than those in younger mice. These findings are a significant advance in the understanding why the capacity for muscle regeneration lessens with age.

This news is exciting because it helps to understand the biology as to how regeneration of muscle works and doesn’t work as well as people age. Taking this information further, the hope is that EV’s can be used as therapeutics to prevent the defects related to age. EV’s may also be useful in the regeneration of other parts of the body such as organs.

The study adds to years of research showing that the blood of younger mice when given to older mice restores many tissues and cells. In the past it wasn’t clear which components conveyed the rejuvenating effects.

The team wondered if EV’s might add to the regeneration of muscles by traveling between cells through the blood and other fluids. They found that the EV’s are able to deliver information to the muscle cells.

The team collected serum from blood cells in the younger mice that remained after clotting factors. They then injected this into the older mice who had injured muscles. The mice that were given this serum showed greater regeneration of muscles and functional recovery when compared to the mice who received a placebo treatment. However, the serum’s properties to restore the muscles were lost when the EV’s were removed from the serum showing that the vesicles mediated the beneficial effects of the younger blood.

Looking deeper, the team found that EV’s deliver mRNA or genetic instructions that encode the anti-aging Klotho protein to muscle ancestor cells. These types of cells are important for skeletal muscle regeneration. Fewer copies of the Klotho instructions were collected from the EV’s in older mice than those from the younger mice. This prompted muscle ancestor cells to produce smaller amounts of the protein.

As we age, muscles do not heal as well after damage due to creation of scar tissue instead of muscle. In earlier research, the team discovered that Klotho’s regulation of regenerative capacity in muscle ancestor cells is vital and this protein declines with age.

For the first time this study shows that shifts in EV delivery due to age contributes to depletion of Klotho in older stem cells. This suggests that EV’s have the potential for new therapies to heal muscle tissue damage.

EV’s may be advantageous for boosting muscle regenerative capacity in older people and improvement of functional recovery following an injury. An exciting possibility is the engineering EV’s with specific carriers so that they can dictate the target cells responses.

Besides muscles, EV’s might also help improve other affects of aging. Earlier work showed that young blood improves cognitive performance of older mice.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Regulation of aged skeletal muscle regeneration by circulating extracellular vesicles