Why Upper Respiratory Infections Are Common In Cold Weather

In what could be a groundbreaking development, researchers have uncovered an immune response within the nose that normally works to fight off viruses implicated in upper respiratory illnesses. However, when temperatures dip below certain levels this protective mechanism is weakened leaving us more susceptible to infections such as colds and flu. The findings may explain why these diseases are much more common during colder weather conditions.

Every winter, millions of people around the world come down with cold and flu-like symptoms. Many previously thought this was due to an increase in airborne viruses spreading indoors during cooler months, however, the latest study suggests a deeper biological cause. This finding has been backed up by current research into Covid-19 transmission which could revolutionize how we understand seasonal infections.

The nose stands as an impressive line of defense against disease-causing pathogens. Cells at the entrance of the nasal cavity detect any hostile microbes, and then sound off a warning signal which prompts billions of miniature liquid-filled sacs called extracellular vesicles (EVs) to swarm around these invaders. The EVs also transport antibacterial proteins through mucus along the airway, ultimately providing protection for other cells before they can reach further into the body.

For the study, the team sought to determine if this immune response was additionally triggered by viruses inhaled through the nose. This is the source of some of the most common upper respiratory infections.

Nasal tissue samples collected from participants undergoing surgery and healthy volunteers were analyzed by a team researching the common cold. They found that not one but three viruses – two rhinoviruses and a novel coronavirus – elicit an EV swarm response in nasal cells via different signaling pathways than those used to resist bacteria. Even more impressive was their discovery of how these EVs deploy receptors for the virus to bind itself onto instead of attacking human cells. The more of the decoys, the more the EVs can mop up the viruses in the mucus before the viruses had a chance to bind to the nasal cells which will suppress the infection.

Through a series of experiments, the team determined that cold temperatures are integral to understanding nasal immunity. By exposing healthy participants to 4.4°C for 15 minutes and later applying this reduction in temperature onto nose tissue samples, they found evidence of an impaired immune response. EV secretion decreased by about 42%, along with lowered levels antiviral proteins within those EVs. This data reveals how significant temp changes can be when evaluating nasal defense against viruses or other pathogens.

Seasonal variation in upper respiratory infections can now be understood at a more detailed level, thanks to the research findings. To build on this knowledge, additional studies will use challenge experiments involving humans and animal models to test how our nasal immune system reacts when exposed to viruses. Moreover, inspired by these discoveries, scientists are considering innovative therapeutics such as Nasal Sprays that could strengthen the nose’s innate immunity with an increased number of EVs or binding receptors within vesicles.

The research has uncovered an amazing immune defense system present in the nose, which faces constant bombardment. What we now need to uncover is how this natural phenomenon can be harnessed and used as a defense mechanism, particularly during winter when protection needs are greatest.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Cold exposure impairs extracellular vesicle swarm–mediated nasal antiviral immunity

Drinking Tea May Help Your Health in Later Life

You might be surprised to learn that a daily cup of tea could help you enjoy many years of good health in later life. If it’s not your preference, there are other things such as flavonoids found in some commonly consumed foods and beverages like green or black teas, nuts, apples, berries, citrus fruit, etc., all with the potential for long term benefits. New research shows they may actually do more than we thought.

A study by the Heart Foundation discovered that older women who consumed high levels of flavonoids had a much lower risk for abdominal aortic calcification, or AAC. This discovery could potentially lead to better methods on how we may prevent or treat this condition in future patients.

AAC, or calcium deposits on the abdominal aorta can predict cardiovascular risks such as heart attack or stroke. It has also been found to be an accurate indicator for late-life dementia. The abdominal aorta is one of the largest arteries and supplies oxygenated blood from our heart to various organs throughout your body.

Flavonoids are present in many foods and beverages, but some sources have higher levels. For example, dark roast coffee, black tea and red wine along with blueberries, strawberries, apples, oranges, raisins/grapes and chocolate often contain the most.

The study indicates that there are many different types of flavonoids, such as anthocyanidins and flavan-3-ols which appear to have a relationship with AAC.

The participants who had a higher intake of total flavonoids, 3-Oimmers and 2 pmol per day were 36 to 39 percent less likely to have extensive AAC. Black tea was the study’s main source for total F3Os with significantly lower odds among people that drink it as well compared those without any type or amount during this time period.

While black tea was the leading flavonoid source in this study, it’s possible that people could still benefit from other types. Higher total non-tea intake among women who do not drink coffee or herbal teas were found linked with lower levels for extensive calcification within arteries. This may be due because they’re getting some protection through plant compounds.

The presence of flavonoids in our diets could protect us from the development and progression of AAC. This study shows that the intake of these compounds is easily achievable for most people, so it’s important to include them in your diet.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Higher Habitual Dietary Flavonoid Intake Associates With Less Extensive Abdominal Aortic Calcification in a Cohort of Older Women

Should You Brush or Floss First?

Brushing removes plaque and food debris, but the bristles of a toothbrush can’t reach deep in between teeth to remove it all. Flossing alone won’t be enough to keep you from getting gum disease and other oral complications because it only removes some of the plaque that has been collected on them throughout the day. In order for a person’s mouth to stay as clean as possible they need both an efficient routine with toothbrush and floss daily. As a result there’s less dental plaque which can lead to gum disease. But, should you brush or floss first?

Some dentists argue that flossing should come first because the brushing action will remove any particles and plaque that have been released and make them easier to brush away with a toothbrush. There are many people who brush their teeth and then floss. The problem with brushing then flossing is that any food, plaque or bacteria released from between your teeth remain in the mouth until next time you brush.

A study was done to evaluate the efficacy of brushing and flossing on reducing dental plaque. After prophylaxis, 25 students discontinued all forms of oral hygiene for 48 hours. The study was performed in two phases with two-week washout intervals. In one phase, they first brushed, then flossed. In the other they used dental floss then brushed.

The researchers found that by using a floss-brush approach, people were able to reduce interdental and whole plaque significantly more than when they used brush and floss. However, there was no evidence of significant difference between groups in areas where marginal plaque had been present before treatment started.

Why is flossing so important? Plaque, the main cause of gum disease can easily harden on your teeth within 24-36 hours if you don’t brush or visit a dentist often enough. But by flossing and then brushing afterwards most people will not have any problems with this.

Maintaining healthy gums ensures that tooth decay won’t have room to grow by providing protection against acids found within foods we eat daily. Gum disease is a serious mouth infection that can destroy your teeth and cause pain. It occurs when there are too many bacteria on the surface of our dental plates This can be caused by not brushing or flossing properly as well as missing routine check-ups with a dentist about once every six months.

The key to preventing dental problems like cavities and gum disease is sticking with a good oral health routine. This includes regularly flossing and brushing your teeth twice per day.

To view the original scientific study click below:
The effect of toothbrushing and flossing sequence on interdental plaque reduction and fluoride retention: A randomised controlled clinical trial

Light at Night is Associated with Obesity, Diabetes, and Hypertension

Electric lights have been a big change in the way we live our lives. It has been only about 130 years ago that they were invented bringing drastic changes to how humans function on a daily basis including our sleep patterns. For those who want better health or just more peace when it comes to sleeping at night make sure there isn’t any light coming into your bedroom. The dark will help you relax faster which leads towards a happier mood overall and improved physical health.

The connection between exposure to light at night and our health is not fully understood, but a new study published in Sleep has found that it can create a higher risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. The research demonstrates how light at night (LAN) impacts the body by reducing melatonin production.

The team conducted a study that measured light exposure using wrist-worn devices over seven days. They found adults who experienced LAN at night were more likely to have obesity or high blood pressure, compared with those without any type of nighttime illumination from electronics sources like smartphones and tablets. These findings suggest long term effects on cardiometabolic risks need further research into how sleep patterns may be influenced by electrical lights after dark.

The modern world is full of artificial sources of light that we are exposed to daily. Nowadays we are bombarded by an abundance of lights 24/7 – whether it be from artificial sources of lighting such as televisions, computers or cell phones. This has led humans to developing health problems associated with constant exposure such as headaches or pain in the eyes amongst other things.

In a recent study, researchers found that women who watched more than two hours per day from the hours of 8pm – 6am had an obesity rate 11% higher then those without exposure during these hours. Women who sleep with a nightlight or television on are 17% more likely to have gained about 11 pounds. However, sleeping in rooms that get their light from outside the room was not associated with weight gain.The study found notable differences in how much people weighed depending upon what kind of illumination they were exposed to while asleep.

The artificial light at night may interfere with the sleep hormone melatonin. This could have implications for people living in urban areas where sources such as streetlights and neon signs shine bright into homes. This disrupts our ability to fall asleep naturally due to interruption of natural rhythms like those caused by daylight savings time changes or technological gadgets that stay lit after sunset.

The body’s circadian rhythm determines when you’re most awake and asleep. When exposed to light, like in the morning or at night time for example-your brain will slightly advance (or delay) this natural cycle by generating either more or less hormones. This will control things such as metabolism & cell cycling and can lead not only to bad moods but also health issues because cells don’t work properly without these signals from our brains.

It is recommended that you make an effort to eliminate all sources of light in your bedroom, including digital alarm clocks and cell phones. Use incandescent bulbs instead – they’re less efficient at suppressing melatonin than LED ones are so only place them where you spend most of the time during day or evening hours. Leave LEDs for areas outside rooms with minimal exposure like hallways/closets etc., because these have different effects on sleep patterns.

You can also optimize your circadian rhythm by getting exposure to bright natural light during the day. Ideally, strive for at least 15 minutes of sunlight in the morning hours. This will help regulate melatonin production so that we start off feeling refreshed and then dropping it to normal daytime levels, so you feel awake during the day and can sleep better at night.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Light at night in older age is associated with obesity, diabetes, and hypertension

How the Gut Microbiome Affects Our Blood

The blood metabolome is the small molecules found in your bloodstream that can interact with everything from brain function to bodily organs. We’re only just starting to understand the incredible impact our gut microbiome has on shaping molecules found in our blood. Figuring out what governs this variation could pave the way for precision approaches when it comes down to health and disease status.

In a consumer scientific wellness program, researchers identified 930 blood metabolite measurements from over 1,500 people. They found 60% were relatively associated with host genetics or gut microbiome and 69% of these came from just one species – microscope bacteria. The study was conducted where participants submitted de-identified samples without any personal information being exposed beyond what’s already publicly accessible on file collections like FDA approval records.

When the researchers looked at specific blood metabolite-microbe interactions, they found that these relationships were only important in individuals with certain genetic backgrounds. This means there is an intricate interplay between our microbiome and host genetics. However, some specific combinations were only significant when one has certain genotypes suggesting an intricate interaction between our microbiome and how much DNA they carry throughout their lifetime.

The findings are encouraging because they show how our blood metabolomes can be changed through dietary and lifestyle changes. This means that much of the other parts in your body’s ecosystem may also have their own alteration potential. This may make them good candidates for drug treatments targeted at specific host pathways rather than just general ones like inflammation or immunity.

Circulating small molecules can be classified into two categories: those that are under host control, and others which have more influence on the microbiome. Understanding which types of these compounds fall predominantly in each category will help guide interventions designed to prevent or treat a range diseases. This is an extremely interesting finding that could have vast implications for our understanding of not only metabolism, but also health in general.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Genome-microbiome interplay provides insight into the determinants of the human blood metabolome

The “King of Fruit” Can Relieve Constipation

If you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from chronic constipation, relief may be closer than you think. According to a recent study, 16% of Americans have chronic constipation, and the odds rise to 33% for ages 60 and over. A recent study shows this unpleasant problem may have a pleasant solution.

The mango has been referred to as the “king of fruits” due to its many health benefits. One of these benefits is that the mango is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help to relieve constipation. Multiple studies show that mangoes have a positive effect on digestion. In addition to their digestive benefits, mangoes also offer other health benefits such as disease prevention and improved overall health.

Constipation is a condition that is characterized by occasional bowel movements, usually less than three per week. It can be caused by dehydration, insufficient dietary fiber, and the use of certain drugs such as opioids. While most cases of constipation are simply uncomfortable, in some cases it can be dangerous and even lead to death. Complications can include fecal impactions, anal fissures, and even a perforated colon which will cause bacteria in the bloodstream.

Researchers found that people with chronic constipation benefited from eating mangoes. The researchers studied how much mango people should eat to relieve constipation. They found that 300 grams of mango per day (almost 2 cups) was the right amount to have regular bowel movements and lower inflammation levels.

The bioactive polyphenols in mangoes have been credited with providing relief from constipation. Additionally, the daily consumption of mangoes has been found to improve the makeup of the microbiome, which is linked with immune system health. Mangoes may also ease constipation through their fiber and amylase content.

The mango is a fruit that is rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants include carotenoids, anthocyanins, and flavonoids and help protect the body against disease. These antioxidants scavenge the harmful free radicals that would otherwise trigger oxidative stress along with potentially cancer causing mutations in DNA. Many of the antioxidants in mangoes act synergistically meaning each work together to enhance the benefits of the others.

But the mango has one more preservation of health – a potent compound called mangiferin. Mangiferin is classified as a super-antioxidant. Researchers say mangiferin is also anti-allergenic, antiviral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and immune system boosting. Researchers credit mangiferin with the potential to fight heart disease, atherosclerosis, and cancer. In studies on animals, mangiferin inhibited angiogenesis which is the ability of tumors to grow new blood vessels and slowed down tumor growth.

The presence of zeaxanthin and lutein in the brilliant yellow pulp of the mango is confirmation to the fruit’s health benefits. These carotenoids help to protect the retina, particularly the macula, and ward off age-related macular degeneration. Both zeaxanthin and lutein are beneficial for the eyes, as they scavenge harmful free radicals, absorbing excess ultraviolet light and “blue” light from computer screens and TVs. In a study, people with the highest levels of these carotenoids had 41% lower risk of the development of macular degeneration.

The mango is loaded with an abundance of life giving nutrients, vitamins and minerals. At 99 calories per cup, mangoes have a nutritional benefit. Each fruit has over 2.5 grams of dietary fiber, along with 67% of the recommended daily requirement of Vitamin C. Mangoes also contain magnesium and potassium which help with blood pressure and regulate heartbeat.

Researchers believe that taking nutrients that have been isolated from the mango is not as healthful and effective as eating the fruit. Mangoes pack a nutritional treasures trove of polyphenols and fiber that can help ease constipation.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Polyphenol-rich Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Ameliorate Functional Constipation Symptoms in Humans beyond Equivalent Amount of Fiber

Combination Therapy Boosts Spinal Cord Injuries

Intensive physical therapy and stem cell grafts together can boost the functionality of spinal cord injuries more than either treatment alone. Researchers found this in animal models, where tissue growth, repair, and functionality were increased following the combination of therapies. The stem cells promote growth and healing of the surrounding tissues, while the physical therapy helps to improve movement and function.

Implants of stem cells or neural grafts can promote regeneration in spinal cord injuries when used with intensive physical rehabilitation. This combination may help improve function by promoting new or greater roles for spared or undamaged cells or neural circuits.

Stem cells have the ability to promote physical and functional recovery in individuals who have experienced a spinal cord injury. A recent study showed that rats who had a cervical lesion and then received a neural stem cell graft had improved functionality and movement when compared to rats who only received the lesion or physical therapy.

It was found that rehabilitation therapy for the animals begun one month following the injury helps approximate when human patients are admitted to spinal cord injury rehabilitation centers. In addition, this therapy rewards animals for grasping skills, which ultimately promotes their rehabilitation. Physical therapy can help promote regeneration of injured spinal cord nerve cell and, additionally, stem cell grafts may also be effective in aiding recovery. When both treatments are administered one month following the injury, there is significant improvement in grasping ability.

The new findings show that rehabilitation plays a critically important role in helping people with spinal cord injuries recover function. When combined with pro-regenerative therapies, such as stem cell transplants and physical rehabilitation it can significantly improve outcomes. This is surprising, as the benefits of physical rehabilitation were found to be much greater than what has been observed in humans. This suggests that early and intense rehabilitation may be key to maximizing functional recovery after a stem cell transplant.

Spinal cord injuries are a medical challenge that is still unresolved for many people. Each year, nearly 18,000 people in the U.S. suffer from an injury to the spinal cord. This often leads to some degree of physical impairment or paralysis that is permanent.

There is a need to improve therapies following spinal cord injuries. Researchers hope that this new combination therapy can help improve the function of the spine after an injury. Clinical human trials are planned for the near future to test this theory.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Rehabilitation combined with neural progenitor cell grafts enables functional recovery in chronic spinal cord injury

Eating Your Veggies Can Increase Muscle Strength

If you’re looking to improve your muscular strength without the need for exercise, then this is good news! Green leafy vegetables are a great source of nitrates, and just one cup per day can provide a significant boost in muscle function.

A study published by The Journal Of Nutrition found that nitrates from vegetables like spinach and lettuce help make muscles stronger when eaten regularly over time. This is true even if someone doesn’t do any extra exercise outside their diet . This suggests these foods might be an effective way not only to maintain physical health but also prevent falls among aging adults.

People who eat a diet high in nitrate-rich vegetables have faster walking speeds and stronger knees, according to an Australian study. The scientists found that this led to 11% better muscle function for their lower limbs as well as 2kg more knee extension strength when compared with those with the lowest dietary intake. The volunteers average was 65 mg per day but over 81 percent came from veggies so it’s no surprise they were able get such great results.

Nitrate-rich vegetables are not just good for your muscles. Other studies have linked them to cardiovascular health and even cancer prevention. A study conducted at ECU found that rats exposed to carcinogens had less fat oxidation in the liver, as well as smaller declines of antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase after being given beet juice beforehand. This is evidence that it can help protect against free radicals responsible for causing aging damage or cell mutation among other things.

Nitrates are a natural occurring compound found in many types of food, including vegetables and fruits. They can be converted into harmful nitrites when cooked at high temperatures or combined with protein sources like meat that spoil easily because they contain dioxide (O2). Leafy greens have antioxidants which protect them from becoming unhealthy due to their ability to block out damaging radicals within our bodies called “free radicals”.

Leafy greens are not just healthy, but they also have incredible disease-fighting properties. Greens contain carotenoids which help protect against cancer and strokes as well. They’re an excellent source of vitamins A& C with heart supportive nitrates and offer up plenty more nutrients like folate or iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

The health benefits of leafy greens are undeniable. They’re high in fiber, low calorie and glycemic index promoting wellness for all those who consume them. For maximum benefit make sure you buy organic to avoid any harmful chemicals or unwanted toxins that may be present.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Dietary Nitrate Intake Is Positively Associated with Muscle Function in Men and Women Independent of Physical Activity Levels

Secrets of Stem Cells Allow Scientists to Revamp Reprogramming

A team of researchers have discovered some key contributors that encourage human stem cell reprogramming to the naive state. This can be utilized to model early stages of development and will help scientists generate naive pluripotent stem cells quickly and efficiently. The discovery will help provide new understanding into the systems that reconfigure and destabilize cell identity involved in transitioning states of cells. The team learned more about reprogramming of naive stem cells after a genome wide function screen.

PSCs or pluripotent stem cells are useful for scientists as a tool to investigate how cells specialize in making every tissue in our body. The 2 different states they are found in are naive and primed. Both types have the ability to self-renew and then change into new types of cells, however they have different molecular characteristics and functions.

Human pluripotent stem cells in their naive state duplicate the key cellular and molecular components of cells in a pre-implantation state embryo. When naive PSCs are motivated to self-organize in certain conditions, they will create structures that are similar to early blastocyst development stage. After these cells grow in a lab, it can be determined the key actions that will take place amid human development, thus having possible uses in personalized medicine. However, there is a need to develop highly stable, high quality populations of stem cells to conduct the team’s experiment.

PSCs can be formed from either embryos or from methods to eliminate cell identity from specialized cells. Most reprogramming experiments will make primed PSCs, that are more advanced developmentally than the naive PSCs. PSCs that are naive can be gathered from human pre-implantation embryos. But, exposing primed PSCs to circumstances that allow them to develop into PSCs that are naive is more common. The current reprogramming methods are slow and inefficient which prevent researchers from rapidly producing the number of stem cells that are high quality which is what is needed.

Very little has been known in regards to what epigenetic and genetic factors are needed for reprogramming of naive stem cells and this information gap narrowed the reprogramming plan conditions.

Low adaptability of programming naive stem cells has suggested there are barriers that will inhibit cells in achieving the naive state. The team accessed the barriers by carrying out a broad scale genetic screen in the hope of identifying genes that help or hinder reprogramming. They then could identify a great amount of genes playing a critical role in PSC programming of naive cells that were not linked earlier in the process.

The researchers put their focus towards one epigenetic complex – the PRC1.3 complex. It controls gene expression and does not alter the underlying sequence and was critical to the creation of naive PSCs. Without the complex, the cells which underwent reprogramming became a totally different cell type rather than PSCs that were naive. This has suggested the activity of PRC1.3 might promote a larger amount of more cells to properly reprogram which lowers that barrier.

Following identifying the contributors to reprogramming, the team in addition considered factors that would impede reprogramming which was represented in the research by an epigenetic protein known as HDAC2. When they inhibited one factor using chemicals that were selective, then reprogramming of naive PSCs occurred more quickly and efficiently. They now had the ability to look at it from either side, remove the barriers, and reveal factors that thrust cells to state change. The research not only improves their capability to create naive PSCs that are human, but also provides information on the molecular process that will happen during the transition cell state alone, retaining some in developmental embryos.

The team is putting together bigger pieces of the puzzle, which will lead to understanding the control and formation of stem cells that are naive. Previous research identified molecular factors that helped cells maintain the naive stage. Through building up their tools to manipulate PSCs they can direct their time on important questions in regards to pre-implantation embryo. Further on, additional improvements in work with naive PSCs could create the potential for utilizing these cells in personalized cell therapies or disease models. This will require additional research to find ways to differentiate naive PSCs into cell types that are specialized.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Genome-wide screening identifies Polycomb repressive complex 1.3 as an essential regulator of human naïve pluripotent cell reprogramming

Plant-Based ALA Can Benefit Heart Health

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, so it’s important to know which foods can help reduce the risk. A new research review has found that the major plant-based version of the nutrient omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), can benefit heart health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

ALA is found in foods such as flaxseeds and walnuts and was linked to a 20% reduction in risk for heart disease and a 10% reduction in cardiovascular disease. There are many ways for people to get the recommended amount of omega-3 fatty acids which help promote overall health. One way is by eating seafood, but some people may not want to do this for various reasons. Even if someone eats seafood, incorporating plant-based ALA into their diet can provide extra benefits.

Recent research suggests that consuming ALA can be beneficial for heart health, particularly in those with low levels of omega-3s in their diet. However, this finding was also seen in people who had high levels of omega-3s from other sources. This suggests that ALA works synergistically with other omega-3s to promote heart health. Omega-3s have been linked with a lower risk of heart disease in the past, and this conclusion was based on evidence from marine-derived omega-3s. However, the benefits of ALA have been less well documented. By consuming ALA, you may be able to enjoy the benefits of omega-3s for heart health.

The review found that ALA can improve heart health by reducing the risk of heart disease and improving blood pressure and inflammation levels. The data analyzed came from both controlled trials and observational studies. Some of the observational studies relied on participants self-reporting their ALA intake, while others used biomarkers to measure levels of ALA in the blood. This provides a more accurate measure of ALA intake. Overall, the findings showed that ALA has a positive impact on heart health.

It is now more important to identify people who can receive the most benefit from eating ALA rich foods. The researchers found that ALA had beneficial effects on reducing lipoproteins and atherogenic lipids. This could help improve heart health by reducing cholesterol, low density-lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides levels. Additionally, ALA was also able to lower blood pressure and inflammation levels.

From the research they were able to find supporting evidence that ALA can provide 0.6%-1% of the total day’s energy. This is close to 1.1 grams for women and 1.6 grams for men on a daily basis. This is equal to almost 1/2 oz of walnuts or just shy of 1 tsp of flaxseed oil.

In the future, more studies will be needed to assess the total effects of ALA on various chronic diseases. Additionally, further evaluation is needed on whether the current scientific articles support new and maybe higher dietary recommendations for ALA.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Impact of a-Linolenic Acid, the Vegetable w-3 Fatty Acid, on Cardiovascular Disease and Cognition