Breakthrough Discovery of a New Sign of Aging

As we age, our bodies go through a variety of changes that can significantly affect and contribute to a decline in function. Common molecular-level transformations associated with aging include genomic instability, telomere shortening, epigenetic adaptations and mitochondrial dysfunction. Understanding these key hallmarks is an essential part of the field of aging research for those seeking successful healthy advancement into old age.

Scientists have made a major breakthrough in the understanding of aging. They’ve discovered that as we age, sphingolipids, primarily ceramides, begin to accumulate and slowly erode muscle function. But the research has revealed an unwelcome effect of these fat molecules. Commonly found in skin care products, they are usually thought to benefit aging skin. However, a joint study by Helsinki and Lausanne Universities discovered that these same molecules can cause muscle deterioration with age. This is the first time such harm caused by ceramides has been brought to light.

As we get older, our muscles tend to deteriorate and become weaker. It was discovered that an increase in ceramides (and other sphingolipid molecules) are found within muscles as people grow older. Acting like internal messengers for cells, these lipids are increasingly being linked to various aspects of age-related diseases due to their role in regulating cellular processes from cell division through insulin signaling.

Slowing down the natural aging process could become a reality with new research linking muscle strength and stem cell function to reduced ceramides. By administering myriocin, an inhibitor of ceramide production, researchers were able to preserve balance, running capacity and overall muscular health in aging mice. Amazingly this even resulted in more white muscle fibers being produced; essential for maintaining strength and speed.

Researchers also set out to explore whether inhibiting ceramide synthesis can help forestall muscle deterioration in humans. To answer this, they examined thousands of samples from elderly people as part of the wide-ranging Helsinki Birth Cohort Study. Incredibly, results revealed that a quarter had a specific gene variant with similar effects as myriocin, thus, lowering ceramide levels within their muscles.

The advancements made here may lead us one step closer towards successful treatments against muscle atrophy associated with old age. These findings provide exciting prospects for developing potential therapies aimed at reversing the effects of getting older, opening new doors towards fighting off biological time. This research indicates a pharmaceutical that could reduce levels of sphingolipids may be beneficial for enhancing strength, endurance, and agility in humans later in life.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Sphingolipids accumulate in aged muscle, and their reduction counteracts sarcopenia

Burn More Fat by Exercising at the Right Time of Day

Exercise can provide many health benefits, but a new study correlates how well our bodies respond to exercise depending on the time of day when we work out. To uncover these effects, researchers ventured to understand the relationship between biosynthesis and fat burning in relation to different times of day.

The researchers studied mice after a high intensity physical activity session at two points across their daily cycle- early active phase and a rest period (mimicking late morning/evening for humans). Through examining markers for fat metabolism as well as analyzing gene expression within adipose tissue after exercise, the research promised insight into how the time of day affects our body’s ability to metabolize energy.

The study suggests that exercising in the late morning could be far more beneficial for people looking to burn fat than evening exercises. It was found that physical activity at an early active phase increases key genes associated with adipose breakdown, heat production and mitochondria cell performance. These are all signs of higher metabolism levels. These effects were only seen in mice who exercised during this period; indicating it may not just stimulate weight loss but also improve overall health.

Humans and mice might be more similar than we think. They share many underlying physiological processes, making them a dependable model for human biology. Still, it’s worth noting that there are some distinct differences – most notably the fact that mice naturally prefer nighttime activity over daytime.

It appears that when we exercise may be just as important to our well-being as the how. Studies suggest timing is key in enabling us to gain maximum health benefits from physical activity. However, further research is needed before any definitive conclusions can be drawn about its implications for humans.

These findings could be extremely beneficial for athletes or everyday people looking to make effective changes through physical fitness.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Time of day determines postexercise metabolism in mouse adipose tissue

Stress Can Deplete Your Body of Nutrients

Stress can prove to be more than just an emotional burden. It may also impede our bodies from properly absorbing essential nutrients. When we’re stressed, the body releases hormones that interfere with nutrient absorption in digestion. Unfortunately, this could cause many problems including fatigue and weakened immunity.

Although we often think of physical stressors like lack of sleep or demanding work, psychological stresses can also have a detrimental impact on our body. A 2020 study by clinical psychologist and researcher Dr Adrian Lopresti indicated that prolonged emotional duress may deplete important micronutrients such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron and niacin from the body. This could eventually weaken your immune response to external threats.

During a stressful period our ability to absorb and process micronutrients can be drastically reduced. These vital vitamins and minerals are fundamental for several biochemical reactions that occur throughout the body. This can lead to micronutrient depletion and further hinder physical abilities like concentration and attention. Unfortunately, due to increased levels of hormones like cortisol or catecholamines excreted during high-stress levels, we may actually require more nutrients than usual.

A 2019 study published in the journal Advances in Integrative Medicine explored how disasters affect our body’s fight or flight response. In a stressful situation, vital nutritional resources are reallocated to cope with immediate threats, while cognitive and emotional processes become suppressed as a result of this short-term prioritization strategy. If stress levels remain high for an extended period, however, it can cause lasting damage due to depleted nutrient stores that occur from such intense survival demands.

When feeling stressed, we often crave unhealthy comfort foods instead of nutritious meals. Comfort food has the power to stimulate our reward area of the brain, releasing dopamine and providing us with a sense of pleasure. Though sugar is usually at the forefront in many comfort foods, it’s not alone – fat and salt can act as tempting agents too when they are present together. Even stronger effects come from liquid sugary drinks like soda which trigger faster release of dopamine leading to addiction among stressed populations. Additionally, alcohol consumption or medication use may rise during these moments for temporary relief.

Stress eating can become a destructive habit with dire consequences for your health. Long-term comfort food binging has been linked to abdominal fat gain and insulin resistance, which are precursors of diabetes as well as chronic medical conditions like heart disease and cancer. Research studies have found that even excess belly fat increases the risk of dementia later in life.

During times of stress, it’s beneficial to supplement your diet with essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are effective in supporting neurotransmitter production related to mood, mental health, and sleep, making sure you get the most out of each day. Nutritional supplements such as multivitamins, B-complexes & magnesium/zinc can ensure that your body is equipped with all its necessary building blocks for a balanced state of well-being.

A nutrient-rich diet is crucial for keeping bodies primed with the necessary elements they need during difficult times. Also, make sure you take time out of your day to relax and de-stress for a healthier lifestyle.

To view the original scientific study click below:

The Effects of Psychological and Environmental Stress on Micronutrient Concentrations in the Body: A Review of the Evidence

Will Revitalizing Old Blood With A Pill Slow Aging?

Recent studies show that transfusions of young blood hold many rejuvenating benefits for older people, such as increased heart strength and mental clarity. Many researchers are working to identify the elements in youth-filled blood so they can be replicated into a pill form. However, an even more effective approach may be found by refreshing the system within our bodies responsible for creating fresh red cells, the oxygen carriers throughout our systems. This could mean that a 70-year old with a 40 year-old’s level of new red cell production could experience extended more youthful health span, if not overall lifespan longevity.

A recent breakthrough from Dr. Passegué’s lab could potentially make the clock go backwards for older individuals – a long-held ideal in our pursuit of health and longevity. In Nature Cell Biology, it was demonstrated that an already approved anti-inflammatory drug is able to rejuvenate mouse blood cells by reversing the effects of aging on their hematopoietic system.

Stem cells within bone marrow are responsible for producing all of the blood cells in our bodies. As we age, however, these hematopoietic stem cells begin to deteriorate and become unable to create immune or red blood cells efficiently. Recent studies have attempted to reverse this aging process through exercise regimens, diets limiting calories intake as well as introducing young stem cell transplants into old bones. But none were successful enough in reversing the effects on hematopoiesis caused by aging.

As we age, remarkable changes occur deep within our bone marrow. The researchers dug deeper to uncover why and discovered the environment surrounding blood stem cells is deteriorating with an influx of inflammation that compromises their function. Through sophisticated analysis developed in the Passegué lab, these researchers shed light on how this specialized local environment plays a major role in aging-related issues.

Through the use of an anti-inflammatory drug, researchers have discovered a new way to reverse aging in both bone marrow niches and blood stem cells. By blocking IL-1B signaling released from damaged sites within the body throughout life, remarkable youthful health effects can be seen – giving us hope for slowing down many age related symptoms.

With the aim of understanding how stem cell rejuvenation works in humans, researchers are exploring if targeting middle age would be a more effective approach. Additionally, they believe that by treating elderly patients with anti-inflammatory drugs able to inhibit IL-1B function, better blood production could result – leading them closer towards clinical trials.

This exciting finding suggests potential strategies may exist to help maintain healthier bloodstreams among elderly populations.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Stromal niche inflammation mediated by IL-1 signalling is a targetable driver of haematopoietic ageing

Traffic Pollution Affects Cognitive Ability

A groundbreaking study has discovered a worrying new link between air pollution and human brain function. Utilizing Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), researchers observed that even just two hours of exposure to diesel exhaust can impair the communication abilities within different areas of the brain. This may lead to decreased functional connectivity – an indicator of how well cells interact with each other in-turn affecting overall mental performance.

Although scientists believed for years that the brain was impervious to air pollution, this new research has uncovered powerful proof of its hazardous effects on cognition.

To investigate the effects of diesel exhaust, researchers recruited 25 healthy adults in which their brain activity was measured through functional magnetic resonance imaging. The measurements were made both before and after exposure to either filtered air or exposure to fumes. Results revealed that exposures had an influence on participants’ brains in that widespread regions of the default mode network. It showed decreased connectivity following contact with diesel exhaust compared to clean air. This hints at the potential impact long-term inhalation may have on our thoughts and memories.

Altered functional connectivity in the default mode network appears to have a direct influence on cognitive performance and symptoms of depression, making it worrying that traffic pollution may be interrupting these same networks. If true, this could mean significantly impaired thinking or an inability to work for many individuals.

While the brain changes experienced in this study were only temporary, it is believed that continually breathing in polluted air could have long-lasting effects on our health and well being. To minimize exposure to hazardous pollutants such as car exhaust fumes it is important to be mindful of your breathing and taking preventive steps to limit exposure. This could be by making sure car filters work properly or avoiding heavily trafficked streets if you’re biking or walking.

Air pollution is quickly becoming recognized as the number one threat to human health, with a range of wide-reaching implications for major organ systems. From research it has now been shown that certain pollutants commonly found in traffic fumes can also cause cognitive decline. Similar findings may be expected from smoke and other air toxins released by burning forests or other combustibles. This suggests yet another environmental factor playing into rising rates of neurocognitive conditions around the world. It’s vitally important for public officials and policymakers alike to take this into account when making decisions about individuals’ well being in today’s environment.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Brief diesel exhaust exposure acutely impairs functional brain connectivity in humans: a randomized controlled crossover study

Sugar, Not Salt Is The Culprit In High Blood Pressure

For more than a century, medical researchers have warned of the dangers salt poses on high blood pressure and cardiovascular deaths. But recent evidence is turning that belief upside down and suggesting it’s not salt but sugars in our diets that are driving up numbers related to heart health. A recent study published in BMJ Open Heart suggests that fructose is actually the more dangerous culprit when it comes to hypertension and heart disease.

Cutting back on salt may not be as beneficial for your health as previously believed. A 2011 meta-analysis from the Cochrane Collaboration even found that reducing your intake of sodium could actually increase chances of fatal heart disease, particularly when it comes to sources like sea and table salt. Processed foods are a major culprit, since they’re often high in both added sugar and dietary salts, making them doubly dangerous.

Evidence from across scientific disciplines has highlighted the damaging effects of sugar on blood pressure. In particular, fructose was found to be a major contributing factor in hypertension. Sadly, due to an increase in processed foods and high-fructose corn syrup consumption, Americans are now consuming more than 77-152 pounds per year, equal to approximately 24-47 teaspoons daily. This is far higher than 300 years ago when people only ate a few pounds annually. Alarmingly, 13% of US citizens consume 25% or more calories as added sugars which triples their risk for dying from cardiovascular causes.

Despite general health guidelines suggesting 25% of daily diet should consist of added sugar, when it’s fructose this can have a marked and dangerous effect on blood pressure. Consuming over 74g per day is associated with an alarming 77% greater risk for elevated readings above the recommended 160/100 mm Hg level. It appears that processed food sources are at fault here and fresh fruits and vegetables containing natural sugars do not produce any harmful effects.

While processed foods may appear to be delicious, they can increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Instead of reaching for artificial sweeteners, try incorporating more natural ones like honey or maple syrup into your diet in moderation. Ditch regular table salt and replace it with either Celtic sea salt or Himalayan pink sea salt for both flavor and health benefits.

To view the original scientific study click below:
The wrong white crystals: not salt but sugar as aetiological in hypertension and cardiometabolic disease

Breathe Through Your Nose Not Your Mouth For Optimal Health

Our breath is the life source that keeps us going, and dodging any health issues related to it should be a top priority. As such, nasal breathing has increasingly gained attention as an essential element for respiratory well-being. By efficiently channeling air through your nose rather than your mouth, you are reaping numerous benefits for both short- and long-term health, whereas chronic mouth breathers may unknowingly be harmful in various ways.

By breathing through the nose, our bodies take up more oxygen due to an increase in airway resistance. This allows for improved elasticity and volume of the lungs, as well as increased oxygenation inside the nasal passageway thanks to a network of arteries, veins, capillaries and lymphatic vessels. A 2015 clinical review published by Nursing in General Practice found that these benefits can have a net result 10-20 percent higher uptake rate than when exhaling solely with your mouth.

Through the simple action of nasal breathing, you can promote a calming effect on both mind and body. This is because slow deep breaths stimulate your vagus nerve, which in turn activates your parasympathetic nervous system’s relaxation response. An additional bonus comes from nitric oxide production. This compound produced by nearly every cell helps relax blood vessels and boosts oxygen absorption capacity, while providing anti-fungal, antibacterial benefits.

Nasal breathing offers numerous benefits for your health and well being. Evidence indicates it can help keep the air moist, trap airborne debris before entering the body, reduce symptoms of common illnesses, encourage diaphragm action and even influence dental development such as creating arches in teeth.

Breathing through the mouth, which is done by a large portion of people, may have serious health implications such as gum disease or even sleep apnea. Additionally, it can also lead to dental decay and bad breath while influencing speech patterns and swallowing abilities.

Nasal breathing has been widely endorsed by many experts and cultures from around the world as a beneficial habit. While not everyone can easily breathe through their nose due to various issues such as a deviated septum or facial trauma, those who are able should cultivate this practice for its ample health perks.

Looking to become an expert breather? Try incorporating the following approaches into your daily life. Set reminders throughout the day, take a few minutes for breathing exercises like alternate nostril or diaphragmatic breath work, and consider taping your mouth at night. However, it’s important that this should not be attempted if any medical conditions apply like difficulty in nasal respiration or allergies/colds etc. One of the best mouth tapes is SomniFx, which can be purchased from Amazon and is easily applied and removed. Incorporating even just one of these strategies can help establish healthier habits as we move through our day-to-day lives.

To view the original scientific study click below:
The health benefits of nose breathing

Immune Cells Can Prevent Cognitive Decline

With Alzheimer’s and other forms of cognitive decline on the rise, could a lack of certain immune cells be to blame? Scientists are investigating whether replenishing these vital components could potentially help reverse some of this damage.

Researchers conducted an intriguing experiment to better understand the function of mucosal associated invariant T-cells or MAIT cells. They deactivated a gene responsible for producing these cells in mice and then monitored differences between normal and genetically altered rodents as they aged. To everyone’s surprise, while both groups performed equally at first, issues with forming new memories began to manifest in middle-aged mice lacking MAITs.

After being injected with a modified version of MAIT cells, the cognitive abilities of genetically altered mice dramatically improved – they were again able to smoothly navigate through complex mazes in no time. The researchers believe this is the initial work to link MAITs to cognitive function. Further exploration is now needed to compare levels of MAIT cells in healthy people versus those with Alzheimer’s disease.

Our brains are protected by MAIT cells, which can be found in both the meninges and circulating blood. A simple blood test may reveal whether someone has lower levels of these essential guardians compared to healthy persons. This may give insight into a possible diagnosis for Alzheimer’s or other cognitive disorders.

In the 1990s, MAIT cells were discovered and immediately identified as crucial innate-like T cell players in human health. Since then, studies have further demonstrated their presence, notably concentrated within the liver and skin. But until now, no one had detected these enigmatic members of our immune system within the meninges—the membrane layers that envelope and protect our brains.

MAITs serve as guardians of the brain. By producing antioxidant molecules to counterbalance toxic byproducts from energy production inside the meninges they help inhibit cognitive decline. Without their protective powers against reactive oxidative species damage, substances enter and inflame your brain leading to decreased brain function over time.

Genetic manipulation blocked the production of MAIT cells in lab mice. However, we can increase our own levels by tweaking dietary habits or taking other steps to improve lifestyle choices.

A healthy lifestyle is more important than ever now that a connection between MAIT cell production and the gut microbiome has been found. People who consume antibiotics often or those raised in less diverse microbial environments tend to make fewer of these cells. But anyone can boost their microbiota by making dietary changes or adjusting daily habits to increase exposure to beneficial bacteria. This is just one more reason for people to pursue a healthy and natural lifestyle.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Mucosal-associated invariant T cells restrict reactive oxidative damage and preserve meningeal barrier integrity and cognitive function

Consuming Sugar Alters The Gut Microbiome

With the prevalence of fast food and junk food on our menu, it’s no surprise that a Western-style diet high in fat and sugar can wreak havoc with human health. By consuming this type of diet it can cause obesity or diseases such as metabolic syndrome or diabetes. But how exactly does this type of eating affect our body internally?

To answer these questions, researchers from Columbia University recently studied the microbiome response to an unhealthy diet by taking mice through 4 weeks of controlled nutrition study using a Western-style meal plan. The results showed poorer metabolism over time, weight gain, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.

Fascinatingly, a major component of the gut microbiota in the mice underwent drastic alterations that had consequences on Th17 cells. By reducing this particular type of bacteria- segmented filamentous, researchers were able to reduce the number of immune system tissues related to metabolic diseases such as diabetes and weight gain.

Immune cells in the intestine are responsible for keeping our gut healthy and protecting us from absorbing dangerous lipids. The recent study has revealed that, when it comes to high-fat, high-sugar diets, sugar is likely what drives these harmful changes. Evidently this makes sense as excess consumption of sugary treats can lead to inflammation which increases susceptibility towards disease.

The research revealed that when mice were fed a sugar-free, high fat diet they retained crucial intestinal Th17 cells and as a result had full protection against obesity and pre-diabetes. Even though the same number of calories was consumed it demonstrated an interesting implication – by simply eliminating added sugars from your diet you can protect yourself from major metabolic diseases.

While cutting back on sugar can be beneficial for some, it may not have the same effect in individuals without certain bacteria present. This was demonstrated by mice that became obese and developed diabetes despite a lack of filamentous bacteria. To address this, probiotics could help restore Th17 cells to balance out metabolic syndrome when high-fat diets are consumed.

The research highlights that the interaction between diet, intestinal microbiota and the immune system is crucial in influencing conditions such as obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. While humans don’t possess filamentous bacteria like mice do, other gut-dwelling microorganisms may provide similar protection from illness. The data shows how mice were able to resist higher levels of fat consumption when given certain filamentous bacteria – a cellular induction which may also be therapeutic for humans. Importantly, it was not solely the actions of these organisms providing protection but rather Th17 cells activated by them.

These findings could be integral for preventing or reversing these conditions through dietary interventions.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Microbiota imbalance induced by dietary sugar disrupts immune-mediated protection from metabolic syndrome

New Study Shows Hydration Improves Longevity

Research has revealed a potential link between water consumption and long-term health benefits. Staying hydrated could positively impact your overall well being. It has the potential to slow down the aging process by mitigating decreases in body water content which can result in higher levels of serum sodium.

According to a study recently featured in The Lancet journal eBioMedicine, staying hydrated could play an important role in promoting longevity and overall well-being. Drinking plenty of water optimizes metabolism and cell function while reducing risk for chronic illnesses associated with premature aging.

The research reveals that drinking adequate amounts of water can have lasting health benefits. The researchers used the long-term Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study which followed nearly 16,000 individuals between 45-66 years old for 25 years. It assessed their serum sodium levels as a proxy for hydration status. It was determined those with higher normal serum sodium had poorer outcomes than those who remained better hydrated over time. Results showed even small differences from lower end to upper limits of 135-146 mEq/L could lead to significant detriments on overall well-being by age 76.

Elevated sodium levels in the bloodstream can be associated with serious health issues, such as stroke and dementia. Adults whose serum sodium level was between 142-146 mEq/L demonstrated a higher risk of chronic diseases than those who had lower values (137-142). Surprisingly, an even greater increased risk for death occurred if their sodium went up to 144.5–146mEq/L. Keeping your serum levels at 138 40 mEq/L may help reduce one’s chances of developing these conditions significantly. The authors suggest looking beyond just sodium intake and consider other important contributing factors such as hormones, inflammation levels and cytokines when exploring how these elements affect the aging process.

Research has found that roughly half of the world’s population does not consume enough water or liquids to sustain a healthy lifestyle, with minimum recommendations starting at 1.5 liters per day. The National Institutes of Health recommends adult women aim to drink about 2-2.5 liters and men 3 liters each day, with 80% coming from drinks like water or tea. Pay attention to how you feel and adjust this amount accordingly so that you can maintain a healthy balance.

Maintaining water balance is a crucial part of keeping our bodies functioning properly. The amount we need to drink daily depends on factors like health conditions and medications. Drinking too little can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as fatigue, soreness and confusion due to electrolyte deficiencies. It’s important to remember that food also has significant water content which helps contribute towards necessary intake.

Although there is no conclusive evidence to suggest that drinking water directly protects against different diseases, research has shown an association between proper hydration and overall health. Staying well-hydrated may have long term benefits for our bodies!

To view the original scientific study click below:
Middle-age high normal serum sodium as a risk factor for accelerated biological aging, chronic diseases, and premature mortality