Mobile Phone Usage Linked to Hypertension

Did you know that just 30 minutes of phone use per week could increase your risk of high blood pressure, a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes? Recent research has found that individuals who spend even a short amount of time talking on their phone, even with hands-free devices, may see their risk for hypertension rise by 12%. And if you’re using your phone for more than 6 hours a week, your risk jumps by 25%. These findings may explain why rates of high blood pressure and heart disease have increased by more than double in recent years.

A team of Chinese researchers analyzed the data from more than 212,000 participants aged 30 and above from the UK Biobank. The results of the study found that regular use of mobile phones for at least 30 minutes per week may increase the risk of their blood pressure increasing. The team monitored the participants for 12 years, and their findings showed that weekly phone usage times of thirty to fifty-nine minutes, 1 to 3 hours, 4 -6 hours, and more than 6 hours were all associated with a higher risk of high blood pressure. In comparison, those who spent fewer than 5 minutes per week receiving and making calls had the lowest risk.

The study focused on a group without a history of hypertension and explored their mobile phone usage through a self-reported touchscreen questionnaire. The team collected information on years of use, hours per week, and use of hands-free devices or speakerphones. Participants who used a mobile phone at least once a week to make or receive calls were labeled as “mobile phone users”, comprising 88% of the group. Factors such as BMI, age, race, sex, family history of hypertension, socioeconomic status, education, smoking habits, blood fats, blood pressure, inflammation, kidney function, blood glucose, and medication use to lower cholesterol or blood glucose levels were also examined.

According to the research, individuals who had a higher genetic risk of hypertension who spend up to 30 minutes per week on mobile phone calls have a 33% higher likelihood of developing the condition. Furthermore, compared with non-users, people that used mobile phones have a 7% higher risk of hypertension, which has also been linked to tumors in the brain. Interestingly, the data suggest that keeping weekly call time to below half an hour may not increase the risk of high blood pressure. These findings are relevant to the almost 75% persons globally over the age of 10 owning a mobile phone. It is significant considering that almost 1.3 billion adults from the age 30-79 currently have high blood pressure, in comparison to less than 600 million 50 years ago.

It is believed that the electromagnetic fields emitted by phones may be the culprits behind this phenomenon. Mobile phones emit low levels of radiofrequency energy that may contribute to temporary hikes in blood pressure. However, past studies on the relationship between mobile phone usage and blood pressure have shown inconsistent findings, likely due to the inclusion of factors such as calls, texts, and gaming.

This study highlights the importance of being mindful of our mobile phone usage and its potential effects on our health. Further studies are required to replicate the findings, however, it is advisable to limit the usage of mobile phones as a precautionary measure to sustain cardiovascular well-being.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Mobile phone calls linked with increased risk of high blood pressure

Evidence that Exercise Supports Mental Health

Recent findings show that exercise benefits not only the body but also the mind. In fact, a new publication in the journal Neuroscience points out that exercise has an even more profound impact on brain health than previously thought. This research investigates how chemicals produced by muscles during movement lead to neuronal development in the brain, specifically affecting the hippocampus areas responsible for long-term memory storage.

These findings demonstrate that the release of chemical signals from muscle cells during exercise has a profound effect on neurons. This novel insight sheds light on the deeper molecular mechanisms through which exercise can support a healthy brain and improve mood and cognition.

This research delves into the impact of muscle chemicals on different parts of the brain, most notably, the neurons within the hippocampus. Through exercising, the cognitive health of an individual is known to improve since the neurons within the brain undergo a transformation within the hippocampus. The findings shed light on how the brain responds to exercise, suggesting that chemical signals from contracting muscles may activate a signaling pathway that enhances cognitive function.

The study provides fresh insights into how chemical signals from contracted muscles, examined in vitro, can hasten the maturation process of hippocampal neurons and also promote the formulation of neuronal networks. Moreover, the study underscores the crucial role of astrocytes, specialized cells that surround and support neurons in the brain, in managing the growth of hippocampal neuronal networks. By emphasizing the role of astrocytes in controlling neuronal activity, which is often overlooked in brain research, the study implies that developing treatments for neurological diseases may entail taking into account not only neurons but also astrocytes.

The study’s implications extend to potential therapeutic uses for neurological disorders and the development of exercise regimens designed to optimize cognitive health. The critical role of astrocytes in mediating the effects of exercise on hippocampal neurons highlights the importance of considering this interaction in future research endeavors. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the communication between muscles, astrocytes, and neurons, advancing our understanding of the brain’s response to exercise and its potential applications for neurological health.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Astrocyte-mediated Transduction of Muscle Fiber Contractions Synchronizes Hippocampal Neuronal Network Development

New Test to Discover Signs of Cognitive Impairment

A newly developed test could shine a light on potential cognitive impairment ahead of any visible symptoms, offering invaluable insight into risk factors for the future.

The test that involves using cards could open the door to earlier detection of cognitive impairment, potentially allowing for preventive measures to be taken before any symptoms arise. It is already being recommended as part of regular checkups for those over 45 years old. The simple but powerful screening tool has experts hopeful that it can help reduce rates of dementia in the near future.

It is a reliable memory test which can predict the risk of dementia in people who appear to be cognitively healthy. This cutting-edge study provides promising evidence that it is possible to detect subtle signs of early impairment, even when there are no outward symptoms present at first glance.

Researchers set out to investigate the effects of age on memory with the help of 969 participants, whose average age was 69. The study included a two-phase test. First, the individuals were asked to identify four items belonging to particular categories, and secondy, their ability to recall such information. Those who did not remember certain components were provided with category cues which measured their storage capabilities over time, allowing for further analysis across a period 10 years.

The study utilized the Stages of Objective Memory Impairment (SOMI) system to classify participants into five stages, ranging from zero – no memory difficulty – to four. 47% had stage zero impairment, 35% were in stage one and two combined while the highest impaired level; three and four occupied only a total 5%. It was revealed that those with levels one or two challenges can recall memories when given cues which may appear up to 8 years before dementia is impending. Those classified at stages 3 & 4 are predicted by scientists as likely having just 1-3 more years until manifesting signs of cognitive decline. Out of 969 patients observed, 234 ended up developing cognitive impairment over time

After carefully accounting for environmental and genetic factors, researchers found that those at stages one or two of SOMI were twice as likely to experience cognitive decline than the zero stage. Even more alarming was that people in the three or four phases faced a greater risk that was 3x higher compared with non-SOMI citizens. Remarkably, after taking biomarkers into account such as amyloid plaques and tau protein tangles, this predictive model maintained its effectiveness.

The findings suggest that the SOMI system is an effective tool for pinpointing individuals prone to cognitive decline. By recognizing impairments early on, researchers can generate pertinent treatments while at-risk people are provided with guidance from their physician and given ample opportunity to maintain a healthy brain throughout aging. Although predicting neurological change over time remains challenging due to limited knowledge of future state based on current measurements – this research demonstrates potential in identifying risks prior to deterioration taking place.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Association of Stages of Objective Memory Impairment With Incident Symptomatic Cognitive Impairment in Cognitively Normal Individuals

The Importance of Vitamin D for Brain Health

A University of South Australia study has revealed a crucial link between vitamin D deficiencies and brain health- specifically, an increased risk for dementia.

Vitamin D has been gaining recognition for its far-reaching effects, including on brain health. Unfortunately, low concentrations of this hormone precursor are a frequent occurrence and severe deficiency can affect up to 50% of certain populations depending on location. Possible mechanisms by which this essential nutrient could impact neuro function include regulation of neurotrophic growth factors, inflammation control and thrombosis modulation. Therefore, leading it to become an increasingly sought after source in order to minimize dementia and stroke risks.

A recent UK Biobank study involving 33,523 participants examined the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and brain neuroimaging features. Utilizing Mendelian Randomization (MR) with an extended sample size of 427,690 participants revealed that vitamin D deficiency below a concentration of 25 nmol/L had the strongest correlation with increased risk for dementia and stroke.

The nonlinear MR analyses demonstrated that a deficiency of 25-hydroxyvitamin D increases the likelihood of dementia by 54%, providing conclusive evidence for its significant influence on cognitive health. Surprisingly, this vital vitamin had no effect on neuroimaging or stroke risk in the study.

The findings emphasize the critical role Vitamin D plays in preventing dementia and elucidate a potential opportunity for effective prevention. In this UK population, it was discovered that up to 17% of dementia cases could be avoided with restricted deficiency levels in Vitamin D concentrations (50 nmol/L). Further MRI studies are needed to corroborate causality between 25-hydroxyvitaminD concentrations and brain morphology.

The results imply limited association between stroke risk reduction and elevated vitamin intake. However, there is still great hope that improved exposure may reduce Alzheimer’s disease incidence.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Vitamin D and brain health: an observational and Mendelian randomization study

Living in the Mountains is Great For Your Health

Looking for the secret to a healthier life? According to a recent study, it might be time to ditch the city and head to the mountains. Two million people living at elevations over 4,500 meters appear to have lower rates of metabolic diseases like coronary heart disease and diabetes. While daily mountain hikes could certainly contribute to good health, researchers now believe the key is low oxygen levels caused by high elevation living. This animal study could help find new ways to treat metabolic diseases by exploring the connection between oxygen levels and health.

Our bodies can adapt to a shortage of oxygen, also known as hypoxia. When exposed to low oxygen levels, different organs in our body switch up their energy sources and production pathways to keep us going. This fascinating finding could lead to identifying metabolic receptors that benefit us even in regular oxygen environments. Imagine being able to optimize our metabolism for maximum energy efficiency in any situation. But this adaptation only occurs for people living higher than 4,500 meters, where oxygen levels are only 11% compared to the 21% at sea level.

The researchers explored the effects of long-term hypoxia on the body. By examining the metabolic shifts that occur during adaptation to low oxygen levels, the scientists sought to gain insights into how hypoxia could protect against metabolic diseases. They put adult mice in pressure chambers with varying oxygen levels and monitored their temperature, carbon dioxide, behavior and blood sugar levels for three weeks. Using PET scans, they also tracked nutrient consumption in different organs.

After a few days adjusting to a new pressure chamber, the mice started to display some strange behavior. They were less active and at various times stayed completely still for hours. But, after the third week, things were back to normal. One interesting discovery was the effect of hypoxia on carbon dioxide levels in the blood. The mice breathed at a faster rate for more oxygen, which decreased CO2 levels initially, but this eventually assumed a normal rate. However, one change appeared to stick. The mice’s metabolism seemed to be permanently altered by the hypoxic conditions, with weight and lower blood sugar levels never returning to pre-hypoxia levels. This long-term impact is similar to what doctors notice in people that live at higher elevations.

PET scans revealed interesting changes in the metabolism of the mice in hypoxic conditions. While it was expected for glucose metabolism to increase, the study found that skeletal muscles and brown fat actually reduced their use of sugar. This challenges the assumption that the whole body is more efficient at using oxygen in this environment. Instead, certain organs become glucose savers while others consume more glucose. This suggests that there may be a promising connection between the drop in body weight and glucose levels seen in hypoxic mice and a reduced risk of various diseases such as heart disease.

This study sheds light on the remarkable ability of the body to adapt to low oxygen levels and could have important implications for understanding and treating metabolic diseases. It could lead to a better understanding and treatment of diseases related to oxygen deficiency and information on the potential effects of chronic hypoxia implications for human health.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Organ-specific fuel rewiring in acute and chronic hypoxia redistributes glucose and fatty acid metabolism

Duration of Exercise Can Improve Gut Health

Exercise isn’t just beneficial for your physical health, but it may also be the key to maintaining a healthy gut. A recent study found that exercise duration is an important factor when boosting the microbiome – having more of an impact than intensity alone. According to experts, regularly engaging in longer bouts of activity can provide significant advantages for overall gut well being.

Beneficial bacteria throughout the digestive system, known as the microbiome, has been linked to some amazing health benefits. From deeper sleep and better moods to a stronger immune response – these microorganisms play an integral role in overall well being. Nutrition clearly plays a part in improving gut health but it’s not alone. Recent research published by The FASEB Journal suggests that physical activity is just as vital for optimal gut functioning.

Researchers studied a group of 350 middle aged adults in order to understand the influence exercise has on gut bacteria composition. They assessed physical activity, dieting habits, bodyweight and hand-grip strength before delving into how these factors shaped microbiomes among those who exercised more than 150 minutes per week. Results showed that exercising made an impressive impact as it increased both richness and diversity within the participants’ gut biomes compared to study subjects with lower amounts of regular exercise.

Interestingly, it appears that the key to better gut health through exercise may not be simply a matter of exercising more intensely but rather increasing physical activity throughout the day. This could be achieved in something as simple yet effective as biking or brisk walking to work and doing housework – being active for all moments during your daily routine.

Exercise is known to reduce inflammation and improve physical performance, but there’s more than meets the eye. A 2021 study uncovered an intriguing interplay between exercise performance and the microbiome. It was discovered that normal-weight individuals who completed moderate activity saw greater benefits compared to overweight people exercising at a higher intensity. This suggests that weight plays an important role in determining how beneficial changes can be from different levels of strenuous or light exercise.

Improve your overall health and well-being with just a few simple tweaks to your daily routine. Regular physical activity of at least 150 minutes per week can help maintain the delicate balance in our microbiota for optimal gut health. So take the opportunity during any part of the day to walk or cycle instead of driving, or taking stairs over elevators to keep yourself active!

More research is needed, however, on how exactly this has an effect on our bodies so we can continue living healthier lives with respect to good gut hygiene.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Physical activity-induced alterations of the gut microbiota are BMI dependent

Artificial Sweeteners have Toxic Effects on Gut Microbes

A collaborative study revealed a shocking toxicity of FDA-approved artificial sweeteners on digestive gut microbes. At concentrations as low as just one milligram per liter, the bacteria found in the human gastrointestinal tract became toxic. These substances have been previously approved by authorities for consumer use. Six major artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, saccharine, acesulfame potassium-k, advantame and neotame) specifically raised concern among researchers who conducted this groundbreaking research.

The research team uncovered further evidence that artificial sweeteners can harm gut microbial health, by modifying luminescent E. coli bacteria to detect toxicants. Thus, serving as a stand-in for the complexities of microbial systems and revealing evidence linking artificial sweetener consumption to gut microbiome disruption leading to negative health outcomes. This creates an accurate sensing model of the complicated microbe system in our bodies that could yield serious consequences upon consumption.

Artificial sweeteners are widely used to reduce the amount of sugar in food products and drinks, but often go undetected by people consuming them. A growing concern is that artificial sweeteners have become environmental pollutants. Their presence have been identified In drinking water, and surface water sources such as lakes and rivers, as well as groundwater aquifers–threatening our ecosystems on a global scale.

This study could provide us with understanding on how artificial sweeteners impact the health of our gut microbial communities, as well as that of our planet. Additionally, this research proposes a potential solution by using bioluminescent bacterial panels to detect these compounds in the environment.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Measuring Artificial Sweeteners Toxicity Using a Bioluminescent Bacterial Panel

Walking Fast Can Slow Down Aging

Want to add 16 years to your life? A new study from the University of Leicester says it’s as simple as picking up the pace. Turns out, walking briskly might be the secret to aging gracefully.

Remarkably, engaging in brisk walking throughout one’s life contributes to elongated telomeres, the essential safeguarding “caps” situated at the extremities of our chromosomes. Comparable to the function of the plastic tips on shoelaces, telomeres ensure DNA stability without carrying any genetic data themselves. In order to estimate an individual’s biological age scientists examine the length of these protective caps, with longer telomeres indicating a younger biological profile.

A recent study encompassing 400,000 UK Biobank participants discovered a fascinating correlation. Those participants with a swifter walking tempo appeared biologically 16 years younger by midlife. Remarkably, it seems brisk walking alone, independent of other physical pursuits, contributes to the extension of telomeres – a key component in our biological age determination.

A fascinating cellular investigation reveals that each cellular division causes a progressive shortening of telomeres, leading to a halt in cell division when they become critically short. The accumulation of senescent (elderly and dying) cells contributes to age-related diseases and fragility, although the exact relationship with telomere length remains hazy. By harnessing genetic data and wearable activity trackers, this groundbreaking research solidifies the connection between brisk walking and increased telomere length. This emphasizes the power of habitual physical activity intensity in promoting cellular health.

For the first time, innovative research has emerged linking walking speed to genetic data correlated with extended lifespans. This intriguing discovery builds upon earlier studies that revealed the multifaceted advantages of walking, encompassing physical, mental, and social aspects. Previous investigations into the connection between walking pace, physical activity, and telomere length have faced limitations due to inconsistent results and insufficient data quality. This groundbreaking study prompts further scientific exploration in the field of human longevity.

The intriguing implication that a slower walking pace might indicate a higher risk of chronic illness and poor aging showcases the potential role of activity intensity in optimizing health interventions. To enhance overall well-being, people with higher capabilities could increase the steps they take within a given time frame. Previous studies from Leicester researchers highlight that an engaging ten minutes of brisk walking daily could extend life expectancy by up to two decades compared to those with a more leisurely pace.

The researchers in this investigation observed that there was no connection between a leisurely walking speed and diminishing telomere length. Although past findings have demonstrated that a brisk ambulation pace strongly correlates with an individual’s health condition, evidence that this pace inherently leads to improved health was lacking. By analyzing genetic data, this study revealed that maintaining a faster walking tempo could indeed contribute to a relatively youthful biological age, as indicated by telomere measurements.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Investigation of a UK biobank cohort reveals causal associations of self-reported walking pace with telomere length

The Advantages of Eating Fermented Foods

The rapidly increasing preference for fermented products like kombucha and kefir suggest that there is more to the story than merely health-conscientious consumers. Many cultures around the world have historically relied on these foods, suggesting a deeper significance beyond their preservation capabilities. These foods have clearly resonated among modern populations as well. From the traditional Korean Kimchi to Middle Eastern yogurt, nations have been consuming these foodstuffs for centuries. Could it be more than simply a method of preservation? Could it be that fermentation offers much more than just nutrition?

Research indicates that fermented foods provide a significant advantage to mental health, because they contain tryptophan and pre-formulated neurotransmitters. These substances play an important role in the production of serotonin – a key messenger responsible for regulating multiple aspects of brain function like mood. Studies have proven that regularly eating cultured food products can reduce stress over both long-term and short-term periods; so what types are most beneficial?

Brain health is a major focus of research and so it’s no wonder that researchers are exploring the impact fermented foods can have on cognitive function. An extensive study conducted by experts at APC Microbiome, University College Cork, Teagasc and more set out to discover which food had the most profound effect when it comes to enhancing brain well being. The team compared sequencing data from over 200 different edibles sourced globally in order to identify metabolites with potential positive impacts for mental acuity .

They were astounded that almost all of the 200 fermented foods tested showed an ability to improve gut and brain health. An unexpected front-runner in the race for cognitivity-boosting benefits appears to be products that are both sugar and veggie based that have undergone fermentation.

Fermentation of sugar is often overlooked as a beneficial process. The raw form is transformed into an array of metabolites that can be chosen for their positive effects on the body. The microbial community in fermented foods breaks down this “sugar” component until only useful compounds remain. Though it incorporates ‘sugar’ in its name, studies have shown these metabolic changes spark new possibilities to enhance our health.

Scientists are pushing the boundaries of what we know about fermented foods and their effect on mental health. They plan to put top-ranked ferments to a battery of tests which include an artificial colon environment as well as with animal models. This will help them gain insight into how these substances could have positive implications for our cognitive functioning. These findings suggest that adding probiotic rich foods like yogurt or kimchi into your diet may be a natural way of boosting wellbeing.

Eat Blueberries for Cognitive and Heart Health

A cup of wild blueberries is more than a tasty treat. Researchers have discovered that adding blueberries to your diet can boost brain function and cardiovascular health. According to a new study, blueberries contain a powerful compound called anthocyanins that improve blood flow in both the brain and heart. These polyphenols have been linked to a range of health benefits, and are responsible for the brain-boosting effects of this sweet snack.

In a 12-week study, participants who consumed a daily drink made from freeze-dried wild blueberry powder experienced improved executive function, strengthened short-term memory, and faster reaction times. Not only that, but they also saw a reduction in systolic blood pressure and improved blood vessel function compared to those who consumed a placebo powder. Participants who ate blueberries also had better recall abilities and improved accuracy in switching tasks.

The experiment took place in London and involved 61 healthy volunteers between the ages of 65 and 80. For 12 weeks, half of the participants drank a daily beverage containing 26g of freeze-dried wild blueberry powder while the other half consumed a placebo drink that looked and tasted identical. This method of using powdered food is a common practice for its precise measurements. The quantity of blueberry powder consumed was equivalent to 178g of whole blueberries or approximately 75-80 blueberries.

According to science, blueberries don’t necessarily have to be wild to provide cognitive and vascular health benefits. Several studies have been conducted with different types of blueberries that yielded positive outcomes. It all comes down to the blue pigments found in these berries, called anthocyanins, which are a type of polyphenol. The researchers in one particular study found that a daily dose of wild blueberry powder, containing 302 milligrams of anthocyanins, had significant positive effects.

From the current understanding, the exact way in which polyphenols promote health benefits remains somewhat of a mystery. One idea that has been proposed is that the “metabolites” of polyphenols (which are the substances formed when they are broken down by the body) may be able to act as signals and exert influence over various cellular pathways. In particular, they seem to be able to impact levels of nitric oxide and different enzymes. Interestingly, the study found that participants showed higher levels of anthocyanin metabolites in their urine at the end of the period. This is a fascinating glimpse into the complex and multifaceted workings of polyphenols within the body.

The study showed promising results in improving cerebral and vascular blood flow. It’s fascinating to think that by eating such a simple fruit, one can reap so many benefits for both heart and brain health. However, the study did not find any differences in arterial stiffness and blood lipids between those who consumed blueberries and those who took a placebo. But the researchers suggested that polyphenols found in the fruit may boost the abundance of beneficial butyrate-producing bacteria in the gut, leading to increased production of butyrate. It’s a tantalizing theory that needs further exploration to confirm its validity.

To view the original scientific study click below:
Wild blueberry (poly)phenols can improve vascular function and cognitive performance in healthy older individuals: a double-blind randomized controlled trial